
What I need in my hospital bag?

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This is my first pregnancy, and I 'm 38 weeks and 4 days.Could some of the moms tell me what I need in my hospital bag.




  1. Loose fitting sweat pants for after baby, toiletries (shampoo conditioner gel toothbrush etc.) hairbrush, overnight pads the hospital will supply them but you should always pack extra, an outfit for baby, breast pads, playing cards to pass the time while in labor between contractions, mp3 player or disk-man, socks, slippers, a pacifier if you plan to use one, if you have pets bring something like a blanket to get the babies scent on and then have someone bring it home so the animals can get used to baby's smell before baby comes home, if breast feeding a loose fitting button up shirt, if not than just a comfy shirt, nursing bra, I also brought my favorite blanket with me hospital blankets aren't very thick and it's nice having something from home while you aren't there. Receiving blanket for baby. I packed a few diapers for the ride home the hospital will give you a package or two while there and will let you keep the ones left over from the open package but better to be safe than sorry. Baby mittens to keep baby from scratching face.

    I think that just about covers it. Also don't forget the car seat hospitals won't let the baby leave until they make sure its in the seat properly.

  2. youll need pyjamas

    something to give birth in like an old nighty

    lots of pads

    stuff to occupy yourself wih like ipod, phone, book


    mirror if u wanna see the baby come out

    um prob more thats all i can think of off of the top of my head

  3. For you:



    lots of underwear

    maternity pads


    toothbrush / toothpaste / soap / deoderant

    Depending on hosp you may need towel for yourself

    Comfy clothes for going home in

    For Baby

    4 vests

    4 baby grows

    2 scratch mits


    2 hats

    cotton wool balls4 bibs / muslin squares

    warm coat / onesie to take baby home in


    and most importantly.. a camera

    PS I had my bag packed at 34 weeks. Then re-packed it ten times before i went into labour. Lol.

  4. Depending on where your located these are a few things you can put in:

    A going-home outfit for you.

    Several pairs of comfy socks(it gets really cold in hospitals)

    Slippers (see above)

    Several pairs of underwear

    A nursing bra, if applicable.

    A couple of comfy cotton nightgowns—preferably with buttons on the chest for easier access

    A going-home outfit for your baby.

    Nappies and wipes (unless the hospital provides)


    2 packets of Super-jumbo maxi pads - just to be on the safe side as you do bleed alot afterwards

    A stretchy headband or hairtie

    Magazines (you may be in for a long labour)

    Your choice of music (to relax you while in labour)

    Oh and don't forget your car seat!!!

  5. I did not end up using half of the stuff I took with me to the hospital.  I did use socks, a nightgown, magazines, an outfit to go home in for myself and the baby, a baby blanket, mittens to put on the baby's hands so she wouldn't scratch herself, toiletries, my own pillow, and the boppy pillow for baby.  I did not use my underwear b/c I was bleeding so much I didn't want to get them messed up.  They provide you with hospital underwear that work great.  The hospital also provides you with pads and lets you take some home.  Good luck!

  6. congratulations! im not a mum, but my friend had a baby and you will need a couple of jump suits, a baby blanket, comfy clothes for yourself, toiletrie bag and a camera!! im guessing that you probably wont need much for the baby because the hospital supplies a lot. oh and dont forget a baby book to write down who visited and the gifts you receive. GOOD LUCK and BEST WISHES!!! x

  7. Anything you don't want to pay huge money for like aspirin, tylenol, Kleenex,etc... hospitals charge a fortune for basics. Also, things to do in bed while recovering, crosswords, a book, etc. SOCKS as most women say their feet freeze in the hospital. A nice nighty for after the birth and a short robe or bed coat. Your list of phone numbers to let folks know you have had the baby. Some things to snack on in the hospital. Clothes you want to go home in, loose around the middle for comfort. Clothes, diapers and blankets for the baby. Make sure you have properly installed the car seat prior to going into labor. Good luck

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