
What I should call Dubai people?

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Hi...I am wondering that what I should call native people in Dubai. Is it Dubaine or Arub, anyone can answer this question ?




  1. Call the rich and spoiled brats.

  2. you can call them locals ,

  3. I'll have to totally agree with everythin GS wrote,, esPecially... enjoy the beautiful UAE....

  4. As all arab speaking people commonly known as "ARAB", you may call them as Arab. Or, Dubai is an Emirate and commonly a UAE native called as "Emirati". Not only Dubai, native of all other emirates in UAE are also known as "Emiratis". Same as "SAUDIS" for Saudi Natives...

  5. Arabs

  6. bout Doobie? Doobie Doobie Doo?

    or...Dubious? lol

  7. I would like to let you know that Dubai is an Emirate (city) within the country - United Arab Emirates (UAE). Hence, all the natives of United Arab Emirates are known as Emiratis. An Arab would mean any native of an arabic speaking country like Baharain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine etc. - in other words, an arab is a native from any middle east and levant countries. enjoy the beautiful UAE.

  8. arabs........yep thats it......not saudis just arabs

  9. Dubies

  10. The correct phrase is Emirati ( from the United Arab Emirates).

  11. Emirati / Emiratis.

    This is the only thing that you can call the native people in The Emirates (Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and so on)

    Hope you enjoy the life in Dubai. Party like a Rockstar.

    Please check our website too. "The New York Escorts Parade"

    The Native New Yorker

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