
What ID is needed if you are a permanent resident of the US and want to vacation in mexico,where u are from?

by  |  earlier

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My parents are from mexico but they do have a permanent residency card in the U.S. They would like to vacation in mexico but with all the new laws we need to know what forms of ID is needed to come AND go legally.




  1. PASAPORTE my friend.

  2. Take their Mexican passport and their permanent residency card.  Don't bother checking they lie.  I just got back from there an hour ago- had to travel by land to cross the border because I didn't have a US passport (I am a natural born citizen)  They should be able to fly direct w/no problem, because they will have a mexican passport.

  3. Check Mexicos Vacations, they will have the answer.

  4. birth certificate and social security card,and a copy of thier permanent residency card.

  5. You need to have a passport now to come and go from Mexico and as long as they have that you don't need any other type of identification.  I go once or twice a year and I just take my passport and know that even if you go driving you need a passport now.  You could double check if you like by checking the website....hope this helps.

  6. you should only need identification and a passport :|

  7. If they travel by AIR, they need to use their Mexican passports and have their green cards.  if they travel by LAND , they need their green cards and a photo I.D.  That can be a passport, or a drivers license.  They do NOT need their birth certificates.  They do not need their Mexican passports fo fly TO Mexico, but will need them to FLY out of they do need them if they fly.  If they do not currently have Mexican passports, they can apply for them at the nearest Mexican consulate.  See site below for a list of these. some people do not read these questions carefully...the other answerers answered as if your parents were AMERICAN citizens, but theyare MEXICAN citizens, so that makes things different.  Hope all works out well for your parents.

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