
What IS Global Warming Anyways?

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Alright so I'm hearing all of this "Global Warming" stuff and what I would really like to know is what it actually is.....can you guys tell me?




  1. It is not a specific thing. Just a term scientist came up with because of the drastic weather changes.

  2. Unless you want to hear what the oil companies want you to 'believe', then check out these links.....

  3. It is the rise in average temperature globally, which began at the end of the last Ice Age 18,000 years ago.  Since that time, the glaciers have melted back by about 2,000 miles and the oceans have risen hundreds of feet due to warmer average climates worldwide.

  4. Global warming is , for the most part , a hoax , there is really no strong evidence  that can back up the global warming  theory  

    Scientific research through U.S. Government satellite and balloon measurements shows that the temperature is actually cooling - very slightly .037 degrees Celsius

  5. ok global warming is caused because of the water in the world

    it is a stage like a phase change

    we are going through another ice age so what happens is the water first changes to gas so the overall temperature of the earth starts rising then it is going to go back in to ice...

    so first expect heat then lots of storms in both rain and snow/ice

    but nothing big its all natural but yah politicians know sh"# about this they just ask us scientists and they start talking c**p for their own benefit...

  6. The term global warming generally refers to the THEORY that man made co2 is increasing the earths temperatures by strengthening the greenhouse effect. This a theory and is pretty much un-provable and hence a subject of great debate but there is some logic to the argument.

    The theory came about when Margret Thatcher said there is money on the table for any who can prove co2 is bad, as she wanted science to put the coal burning plants and hence the coal miners out of business as they had to much power at the time and was holding the UK to randsom, she wanted a theory that would justify more exspensive nuclear power and as you can imagine the IPCC was born under the UN wing and the scientists came back with the goods as was requested. After they had surved their purpose other groups such as environmentalists and big bussiness got involved and the whole theroy snowballed.

    The theory was based on a strong link between rising temps and rising co2, however the rising temperature data by Mann has since been shown to be misleading as previous much warmer periods in our history were missing.

    Al gore sited the long term historical record as demonstrating a link between co2 and temperature rising and falling together, however his film failed to state that the warming occured some 800 years before co2 rose and that the temperature was being driven by something other than co2 - though this doesnt disprove the theory.

    It is claimed by the IPCC that the science is settled and that there is a concensus, but anyone who makes a statement like that is not a scientist! The important chapter on global warming was prepared by a small clique of scientists who had all co-authored with each other and worked for climate change related business or research centres and hence all had conflcts of interest, they than selectively picked papers to use (mostly their own) and then peer reviewed their own work. The scientists that submitted against it where ignored but still included in the list of supporting scientists and the IPCC's own rules where ignored.

    It must be remembered it is an unproven theory still to this day - though natural variation of the earths climate is well accepted.

    The fact that the theory targets co2 and ignores much more potent greenhouse gasses that have also been increasing makes many believe it is a politically motivated theory to tax business, development and ultimately the public.

    The theory has been getting cirtisiced more than ever recently due to a halt in rising temperature, a fall in sea levels, a reduction in extreme huricane activity, increasing rainfall in australia, no signature of global warming in the troposphere etc... and new theories that offer more compelling evidence that other systems are driving the temperature rise.

    What we are sure of is the earths climate has been warming since the little iceage regardless of man made co2, increased co2 from man may be having a small effect on this (given what a smallamount man gives off compared to the rest of the earth) but it is very diffilcult to demonstrate. climate models dont count as they are nothing more but a collection of assumptions and are unproven!

  7. the earth has an ozone layer around it and CO2 emissions are causing a hole in the ozone layer. It isn't made up stuff and if we don't do something about it then we are going to really be in trouble and so going green would be a good idea.

  8. global warming is cased by carbon dioxide from cars burning plastics fires etc. The world atmosphere has to much cardbon dioxide in it so the suns ray can get throught this big atmospher but by the time it bounces of the world its to  weak so it stays in the world and heats it up.

    the world is like aperson when its to hot it cools it self down like how humans sweat (but it dont sweat it just cools it self ) science people think that it will cool its self down to much and there will be an ice age that will be so strong that we wont live threw. but as the earth is changing there will be freak weather.

    thats is what global warming is  

  9. In means in simple terms that we have had the highest temperatures worldwide, since 1937.

    so after 70 years of cooler temperature, it has gotten warmer again.

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