Perhaps if its so easy to make up insane b/s about anything out there, simply because you hold a PhD or not - anybody could let boredom get the better of them and spend the remainder of their life 'making theories' ? yes ?
okay, for example - 'big bang theory....string theory....dark matter theory' yes we'll stick to the subject matter of space,time, matter etc
its almost as if people forget the obvious point, that its a THEORY not the FACT ! :p
for example, I have a theory that the entire universe is made up of an ever growing un-measurable (infinite) number of cheese corn puffs.
What ? whats wrong with that ? so my theory sucks but the mentally insane guys who came up with 'string theory' are okay ?
hey, what about spagetti theory ? teddy bear theory ? perhaps the universe is made up of our farts, ever thought about that ? the more we release gas from our anuses, the more the universe expands.
" Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be transfered from one form to the other " heh.
So in theory, a theory is a 'stab in the dark' - you have a small chance of being right, although really the entity who has all the rules/states of everything and anything, and the definite answer aka 'the creator' (God if u wanna call him that) probably lays there practicing a few yo-yo tricks whilst laughing his jacobs off @ our puny little brains trying sooo uber noobishly hard to figure out something obviously TOO BIG for our brains to ever unravel or understand. The universe :-)
the most clever 'dude' ever (he just somehow created himself from his cleverness, perhaps a cheese corn puff played a part - but a special cheese corn puff) aka 'the creator' created all this and created humans with just enough intelligence but not enough, to figure it all out.
So what does he do till the end of time ? (our time not his, he lives on for ever. Cheese corn puffs baby) he watches us build little space ships and rockets and bombs and act like little ***** noobs. Gosh, I i've typed a bloody lot.
hmm, where was i, ah yes - so what.....a 'Theory' ??