
What IS scene really? i mean i get the hair...but what IS it? like a way of dressing and style?

by  |  earlier

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yah, just answer the above =/




  1. it's a lifestyle really

  2. Okay Im a scene queen...and scene model. Okay scene is often mistaken for just hair, its a way of life. We are NOT emo. Dress- skinny jeans only, lots of flats and cute tops, brigth colors, long necklaces, and animal print. When your scene you are FULL of confidence and you know you are the ****. You have to walk into a place and own it. You also have to have a myspace and you have to meet and talk to alot of people,be active


  4. so basically "scene" was supposed to be the name of the style associated with "emotive hardcore" or "emo" music.

    people have just turned it into different things.

    i doubt scene kids even know what it is anymore.

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