
What If NY Was a 1 Horse Town??

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I mean, NY used to have 4 baseball teams, and now there are only two left. If the Yankees or Mets were the only team in NY, how would the MLB be different. would that team have a $300 MILL payroll?? would they have won more than 26 championships by now?? would they have the biggest fanbase (with the most real AND bandwagon fans) every year

i guess because i live in the metro area idk what it would be like, so what do you think. how would baseball be different if there was 1 NY baseball team??




  1. "with the most real AND bandwagon fans"..sorry I think the bandwagon fans roll with Red Sox Nation

  2. New York is pretty passionate about sports... Like someone else said, the Knicks are god-awful, yet people still love them.  If there was only one team here, we would still have the largest fan base  

  3. No they wouldnt have a 300 mil payroll b/c the 2 owners bankroll wouldnt mix together. Only one owner. No more than 26 championships. Maybe th biggest fan base but not sure.     But why. Look at the Knicks. Thats your only team and they are FUBAR. "F'd Up Beyond All Rocognition".  They're terrible

  4. Who cares how many teams NY has. You must like baseball go watch all the teams have a hot dog and call it good..

  5. I don't think it would be too different. I doubt we'd see a $300 million payroll. (And that would be the case even if the Steinbrenners and the Wilpons decided to merge the Yankees and Mets, heaven forbid.) I do think the team's stadium would have to be larger to accomodate the fans and I think we'd have a little more harmony in the city.

    That said, New York is too large to be a one-team town. The NYC metro area has 12 million people. (That includes NYC, Long Island, the northern suburbs, northern New Jersey and southwest Connecticut.) The New York area could probably support three MLB teams and I rememeber some folks in Jersey had suggested adding an expansion team in central New Jersey.

    I think the team would have plenty of fans since New York is big and has a love for baseball. As for bandwagon fans? That'll only happen if the team is winning. All teams in all sports get some bandwagoners if they win championships. The Yankees saw it in the '90s, the Mets saw it in the '80s and the Red Sox saw it after 2004.  

  6. I would doubt that, if NY just had one team, it would thus spend more and win more than either NY team does now. As it is, a lot of Yankee spending seems to be done to keep attention focused on them and away from the Mets. If the Mets didn't exist, it is possible the Yankees, having the back pages to themselves, wouldn't try so hard.

  7. They'd have to renovate New Yankee Stadium to be about 35 stories tall, build an expressway from Long Island to the Bronx, and, oh yeah, the Earth's crust would buckle.

  8. i think everything would still kinda be the same...

    Ask someone who isnt a baseball fan to name the baseball teams in NY (at least someone in the south). Most of them would say yankees and not know that there is more then one team.

  9. Go Mets

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