
What If This Happened To You (Part 2)...?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my husband have been 'married' for 4 months (we did not get legally married yet and didn't file paperwork). He's 42 and I'm 28. I was a virgin when we got married and always planned to save myself for marriage so that the guy would appreciate me more. Well, he accused me of coming to him pregnant with another guy's kid even though he was the first guy that I ever slept with (duh!) and told me that it's not a guarantee that I was a virgin (I was and was saving myself for marriage!) because he says it was my 'period'. He checks my cellphone every day to see who I spoke to and checks my purse every day. He thinks that I love someone else and that I am cheating on him even though all I do is go to work, cook and clean for the both of us. He thinks people are putting curses on us to mess up our marriage! He says that people are saying mean and hurtful things about me. He says that if I am sure in myself then he should be able to say, do, think and check whatever he wants and none of it should bother me. Everything boils down to him not trusting me and his own insecurities. I am so disappointed in him.

I did ask him many times to stop or else I am going to lose my mind with his paranoia.

I did threaten to leave him once I get fed up with his c**p!

He actually told me that since I started working I've changed even though I haven't. He says that he isn't even sure if I am even going to work.

He wants me to call him during his lunch break and mine to check up on me.

He has stopped working and has become even more paranoid. He says that he's not coming to see me during my lunch break and then he shows up.

He wants me to save and show him receipts of stuff I've bought as proof.

He says that I am going to leave him and find someone better.

He lied to me about how old he was and I found out on my own. He had many chances to tell me the truth but never did and he said it was up to me to find out myself.

He says that I should be very lucky to have him because he had the chance to be with and marry so many girls and he picked me.

He told his mom that he doesn't trust me.

We went to the ob/gyn twice to confirm his suspicions of me being pregnant with someone else's kid (impossible unless it was immaculate conception) even though there were no signs of me being pregnant in the first place. I never was pregnant. I took 2 pregnancy tests before our 2nd ob/gyn visit to prove to him how stupid he was being but he didn't want to see either of them.

I have since left him and disconnected my cellphone (and his, too! He kept calling me to talk after I left his sorry a**) and would like to know what you would do if this happened to you....





  1. It seems like he is really obsessive and I wouldn't be able to deal with that. He must have major trust issues. I think it is really good that you left him.  Just continue to ignore him. If he is that bad of a 'husband' can you image what kind of dad he would be when you actually got pregnant.  There are pleanty of great men out there!

  2. I guess now you know why he was his age and still not married lol.  You did the right thing, he needs to work through his problems before he can have a real relationship.  Did he only "marry" you to get in your pants?  It is sad that you saved yourself for him and instead of respecting you for it he is freaking out and being ridiculous.  He obviously has some major issues and needs professional help.  If you don't want to deal with his issues, give him the ultimatum to get help or get out.

  3. Oh brother.

  4. I would leave his sorry as* too! Just reading your post already stressed me out. Your husband has some serious psychological and emotional issues.  He shows signs of being an abuser. Don't ever go back to him. I don't think anyone will be happy in such a very destructive relationship. Being in that kind of marriage, both of you will never have peace of mind, love and trust. Good luck!

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