
What If You Could?

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Hi ^_^

I'm not trying to start a war I just want to know...

If you had the power to heal ONE person completely and fully even from the dge of death who would it be and why?

Also if you had the power to TAKE one life even after being born who would it be and why?

Please no mindless garble about celebrities you hate and like... say it from the heart.





  1. I would save it for when I'm in a life or death situation...

  2. If I could save One person and one person only it would have to be my grandmother, I'd heal her of her arthritis and for once in 4 years see her be able to walk and leave her bed.

    If I had the power to take a life I would have just let that on lay in waste. No amount of hate would cause me to kill someone just because I could.

  3. By having such powers, I would be a Deity

    I would not intervene with the world, for nature must take it's corse and every is always ment to be, and that why we don't really have any powers, because most people would use them.

    ~Child of Ra

  4. i would heal my little brother! cuz he's only 7 and he already has to face various problems in his life such as being d/f from other kids just cuz he can't speak and he's deaf . but i would never take  anyone else life !!

  5. your question is quite unusual but to me if I had the power to take life take none and if i had the power to give life let it be generations who are coming

  6. i would heal my mom she is someting els i love her with all my hart and sol if i had to kill one persin and i mean hadd to it would be me i can never tack enyone elses life for eny reson

  7. dont know, and probably osama, or kim jong il or whatever his name or, or that African dude.

  8. I would have saved my great aunt louise from death if i could have. but it is too late.

    I don't know who I'd kill. Killing for me is well...a little low.

  9. I would heal my Grandma. She was the best and died of lung cancer not to long ago.

    I would take the life of the man that raped my sister. The man is scum and I'm furious that he isn't behind bars.

  10. Pretty much everyone has the power to take as many lives as they want, if you haven't noticed.
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