
What Immediate steps Would you like to see be done about Global Warming?

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it seems like most communities are now aware of global warming. most say 'its the little things, that help contribute to stopping global warming.

It feels like not enough to me. I can't begin to think about Bigger steps that need to be taken. What would you want to be done, that is a bigger step towards fighting global warming?




  1. Jane, we are not going to stop global warming..... or cooling.  They happen.....with or without man.

    Please don't allow yourself to be sucked into supporting another Ethanol scam.

  2. yes it is true that many people are now aware of the so called "global warming"...

    many evidences show it rapidity. yes many evidence show that it really exists and that it is occurring really fast. but actually even before global warming already was happening, but in a slower rate. i think that global warming it actually natural because as the poles are freezing, the sun still has to shine there in order to to keep it all cold. and it is just the reaction of the earth's atmosphere to the conditions of its weather or climate.

    global warming today is really fast because of the major contributions made by man himself... it is man that caused this things happening in the surrounding. we can see that the temperature of the world is extremely getting hotter and hotter. many small islets and islands are little by little disappearing due to its sinking, maybe Hawaii will one day sink as well... the ice burgs in the north and south poles are rapidly melting... soon it will cause global flooding!

    for me, i agree that we should put action to this catastrophe... i suggest that the government encourage the use of solar panels as source of energy. we must conserve steam and fuel energy. we must also learn to keep our surroundings clean, dispose garbage properly. save more forests and be strict about illegal loggings today. mmm... also, lessen pollution in the cities, man should also learn to plant trees, for every tree that we cut we must grow another. learn to save resources by provoking more people to recycle things.

    we may not really be able ti fight global warming, but we can do something to lessen it. we must moderate its effect to our planet earth, we must really act within ourselves first. if we really want to start this "saving of earth, stop global warming" thing, i believe we must first start within ourselves, discipline ourselves to do it...

    many might say that I'm just saying this things but it is really true!

  3. Nothing should be done. Global warming is a farce.

  4. best way to fight it is to recognize that it is a myth. that's right. a MYTH. Al Gore lied to you, and you fell for it, life goes on.

    NOW... if you wanna cut our dependence on burning oil as an energy source, then listen up.  drill here, and drill now, and FAST... that will power our cars and boost our economy in the immediate future. i know, sounds like its bad, but its not, jsut hear me out. that oil is for transporation... electricity, there ought to be a solar panel on EVERY home, linked to the power grid, that way omes generating more power than they use will feed it back to the grid, and homes using more power can still have cheaper energy costs. NUCLEAR POWER... it's been 30 years since 3mile island, the technology is a hundred times better, safer, more efficient. back to the cars.. the economy boost will give everyone enough capital to invest in fuel cell vehicles and cold fusion research. once we've got cold fusion reactors... and fuel cells rapidly replacing conventional automobiles... life's good, we're energy independent, economy's good, we're shipping out all the oil we don't need, and eventually, when other nations are ready for it, we can sell the technology, and the whole world will be spilling over with clean energy. then we can focus on the random c**p that eventually leads to the human race uniting... like space exploration, lol


    china and russia burn more c**p than ANY of the tokyo protocol nations... AND us

  5. nothing there is no such thing has Global Warming go back to sleep

  6. What global warming?

    All the conservation I do is out of looking out for myself. I use the minimum amount of gas possible, the minimum electricity possible, and reuse as much as I can, because it saves money. I don't use air conditioning because I don't want to pay for it.

    I've heard from conservation zealots that we need to do better, I say no. If you mind your own business, you will be too busy to mind mine.

  7. I'm not going to do anything, because there is nothing to do.  Climate change, global warming, and global cooling are nothing more than buzzwords used to keep the masses busy worrying while those we put in government above us slowly take away our rights and eventually a large percentage of our wealth and give our money and sovereignty to other countries to tell us what to do, how much tax to pay and how we should live.

    And by the way, the word is, Deluded!  You are not adding water to yourself.  ;c)

  8. Sit back and enjoy the ride.  Mankind did not cause this warming trend, nor can we stop it.  We have only collected about 100 years worth of weather info.  While this planet is billions of years old.  This weather pattern is part of a long cyclic trend.  Don't feel any guilt or remorse, sleep easy and go with the flow.  Don't you see, Al Gore began this "scare" so he could personally profit from others "guilt" carbon footprint.

  9. I think a bigger step to help is educating schools, what they could do to help .

    At my school we just have trash cans, so I'm trying to get recycling bins too.  

    This may be a little thing but if there is trash on the ground i usually pick it up and throw it away.

    Riding bikes or walking instead of driving

    planting a tree : )

  10. Forget about it for 10 years or more and see what happens.


  12. the easiest thing to do is recyle and if you can aford it buy an elctirc car or just ride your bike or walk. you also should conserve water and elctircity!

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