
What Injections / Vacines do I need?

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Hi I was wondering if any one knows what vaccines I should get for travelling to Asia. I will be going to Singapore, Bangkok, Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam?




  1. you need to get tetanus and typhoid for those places and also be sure to get them at least two weeks before you fly, becoz i got em last yr 2 days before flying and i got really bad pains in my head when the plane was descending, i know it was due to the medication.

  2. You don't need to get any. However, I would make sure you had HEP A and Hep B and an up to date Tetanus as a minimum.

    The US Government Center for Disease Control specifies the following:

    These are standard routine and should be administered in any case:

    Hepatitis A

    Hepatitis B


    Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis3


    Inactivated Poliovirus


    Measles, Mumps, Rubella



    These depend on circumstances:

    Typhoid (Visiting SE Asia especially rural areas)

    Rabies (if you expect to be working with animals)

    Japanese encephalitis (If you going to a rural farm area)

    Yellow Fever (only if you have been to an area where yellow fever is present)

    Anti Marlarial Drugs

  3. I would be sure you are up to date on your tetanus and perhaps typhoid, but for sure have at least Hepatitis A and B. Of course you have hopefully been vaccinated for all the childhood diseases like mumps, chicken pox and measles. Put VACCINES in a search engine and you can find out the different  diseases there are where you are going.

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