
What Investing books should i buy?

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Hello. I am 16 and started investing when i turned 15 and got 500 dollars for my birthday. I am interested in potentially pursuing investment as a career, and am trying to learn more about how to succeed on the stock market. Right now i only have a basic knowledge of how the stock market works, and am looking for a beginner level (BUT QUALITY) book to begin with. I bought and have read the intelligent investor by benjamin graham, and I think it will help me a lot, but at the moment much of it is difficult to understand due to both the language at times, and the terms used. I am looking for a book that will help me further understand the basics of the stock market, and will help me further understand The Intelligent Investor. I am hesitant about just buying books because people say they are good. I know there are numerous opinions on how to be succesful in the stock market, and I dont want to be influenced by a source that isn't credible. Please select a book that is quality and not a




  1. I would strongly recommend a book titled "The Little Book That Beats the Market" which you can buy on for a decent price.  The author of the book is a very successful investor and also teaches at a very prestigious business school (the Wharton School of Business).  The author describes a value investing technique that has benefited many people who have put it to the test.  The author also does a great job of explaining how to value a business in very simple terms that a junior high student should be able to easily understand.  This book will go great with what you read from Benjamin Graham because as you know, B. Graham was a great value investor.  The "magic formula" discussed in this book is great formula to use to value a company.  As a value investor you won't make money overnight, but you will double, triple, etc. your money over many years.

    Good luck!

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