
What Is A Easy Simple Recipe To Attract Hummingbirds?

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  1. All right. I cup of sugar, 4 cups of water, heat just till it boils. Early in the spring when it's still cold, you can use 1 cup of sugar to 3 of water to give them a little extra food for the colder weather. In hot weather, change the food if they haven't used it all, it can get mold in it which is not good for the birds. Use vinegar to clean the feeder, rinse well. You don't need red food colouring at all. But the food is not what attracts them to the feeder initially, it's the colour of the feeder. They are naturally attracted to red flowers so get a feeder that has bright red on it, most of them do. In fact, if you have anything red outside they will have a look at it. On my porch I see them looking at silk flowers, an oil lamp, a plastic wreath lamp and a piece of glass, all red.

  2. 1 gal. of water + 2 cups of sugar + a couple of drops of red food coloring.  If you have a red feeder you don't have to put in the red color.  If it doesn't attract the birds add more sugar.  You did say easy and simple correct?  

    I have "heard" that red food coloring causes problems with humming birds but I have also heard that it doesn't.  Both statements were made by "professionals" on the matter.  I've also heard that we should take the feeders in in the winter to avoid confusing the birds so that they don't freeze to death.  Instinct will lead the birds home and the pros are now saying to leave a feeder out to give those stragglers something to make the journey on.  I'm just telling you what works for me... the final judgment belongs to you.

  3. I have read a lot of differing ideas as to the formula for hummingbird food. 4 to 1 seems the most common. So for instance, 1/4 cup sugar to 1 cup water. Also, I have read that human food coloring can be harmful to hummingbirds. It apparently can promote the growth of some kind of fungus in their throats. So I would forgo the red food coloring, you don't need it anyway, hummingbirds can smell the sugar.  Have you tried Googling hummingbird food? Don't get to disappointed if none come around, hummingbirds are migratory in most parts of the country. It can take several seasons of feeding to get a colony to stay year round. Good luck!

  4. 4 cups water 1cup sugar use hot water and stir the sugar in to dissolve let cool before use

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