
What Is A Individualized Education Program?

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What Is A Individualized Education Program?




  1. It is not an individualized education program, it is an individualized education plan. It is tailored to a student based on their educational needs. To qualify, a student must meet criteria based on each districts policy. For example, to have a Learning Disability, a student must have a normal or above IQ 100 or 100+, and a gap (like, 20 or more points) in one or more areas of processing. For instance, IQ 150, auditory processing, 115, even though the auditory processing is above average, a learning disability exists because of the gap. There are other ways to qualify, like blindness, autism, mental handicap, etc.

    Once you are fully tested and qualify, you are protected under federal law and entitled to an IEP, which will ensure a free and appropriate (not free and red carpet, all the bells and whistles) education. Like, if you need an interpreter, you get an interpreter. If you can't take oral tests because of an auditory processing problem, your tests are written. If you need a shortened school day due to a chronic medical condition, you get that. Good luck, and God bless you.

    It is really important to know that, by federal law, the IEP is not written by a teacher. It is written by a team. All the team members are stakeholders. The first, or qualifying, IEP will be written by a placement specialist with the help of the team. An IEP can't be written without the input of the parent or guardian unless they give written permission for that, or have been notified twice at least ten days ahead of time and did not respond. Also, both a general education and a special education teacher must contribute to the IEP, and if a teacher prepares it ahead of time or without parent/guardian, it is a draft, not the legal document. Parents by law may bring anyone they want to the meetings, and may call one at any time (don't have to wait for the annual review) once an intial IEP is written. The school on the other hand must notify the parents ahead of time of everyone they are bringing or inviting, cannot add anyone without parent permission, and the parent can cancel the meeting if even one person on the notice is not present. Parents can record the meetings, and have the right to write goals and objectives. You can get creative and tailor them to the student, as long as they are measurable, obtainable, and observable. You can use accomodations outside the average, too.

    You should also know that anything a teacher does for the whole class, or is offered to all, is not an accomodation, and students with an IEP must by law be accomodated. For example, if a teacher offers two days extra to turn in work to everyone, and won't offer more time to the child with the IEP, the child does not have the accomodation extended time.

    The student is also entitled to be in the least restrictive setting in which he or she can succeed. The needs of the teacher or school NEVER drive the placement, the needs of the child do. You can take that to the bank.

  2. An IEP is a written plan, prepared by the teacher that outlines the goals to be reached in a fixed amount of time.

    This goals are specific to the student and take into account the student's modes of learning, and any learing difficulities the student may have.

    The teaching methods to be used and how the success will be measured.

    Johnny will score 90% on a written test of the times table from 0X5 to 12X7, given 30 minutes and no calculator.

    Practice tests, flash cards, and oral practice will be used to teach the facts.

  3. if you suspect a learning disablity in a child an assesment is determined and tests are given.The school teacher, nurse, phsychiatrist, special ed teacher, and vice principal ,principal ,and parents evaluate a progresive  plan 'no child left behind'

    to allow each child to get sufficient help to achieve progress with the knowledge they are capable of achieving based on their ability to learn

  4. Besides what has been previously stated, an IEP is a contract to work on these goals for a specified amount of time with a certain specialized teacher. IEPs are written for students who qualify for specialized services: speech, Resource, specialized special day classes etc. A child is determined to have specialized need and basically is entitled to have those specialized services addressed in the least restrictive envirnoment. The IEP addresses this in the meeting and paperwork/

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