
What Is A Unique Feature About Costa Rica??

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it could include such things as points of intrest,monuments,history,festivals.




  1. One highly unique feature is one of the worlds most active Volcanoes - Volcan Arenal, which is also a easily accessible destination.

    The Monteverde cloud forest also is unique, and there are many great protected reserves and parks areas in the country where you can see great wildlife.

  2. Eco-tourism in Costa Rica

    There is no shortage of natural wonders for visitors to Costa Rica. In fact, the entire country is seen as an environmental treasure by many visitors. Thanks to strict government control over land use and development (Costa Rica is the world leader in protected land per capita), there are many ways for the tourist to get close to nature.

  3. I hear they have some of the best coke in the world

    Legal prostitution too

  4. Cerveza Pilsen y Imperial

  5. Costa Rica does'nt have an army, they spend the money that most countries use for defense on their education system.  Most people there are very smart because of that.

  6. Many things make CR unique, and it is not necessary to point out the negative things like prostitution or beer...

    Where can you find a country where you can travel from the Pacific to the Atlantic in about 4 hours, where volcanoes, forests, beaches, exotic nature and wild animals abound?

  7. Casique Guaro

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