
What Is Ancient Trojan Horse? THE BEST ANSWER WIN POINTS?

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  1. The Trojan Horse is part of the Trojan War, as told in Virgil's Latin epic poem The Aeneid. The events of this take place after Homer's Iliad, and before Homer's Odyssey.

    After the events of the Iliad and the death of Hector, the Trojan War still wasn't over. Neither the Greeks nor the Trojans seemed to be able to win, until one of the Greek kings, Odysseus of Ithaca, had an idea.

    "Build a big wooden horse on wheels," he said, "big enough for a bunch of Greek soldiers to hide inside it." So the Greeks did. Then the Greeks all pretended to sail home (except the ones hiding inside the horse!). They acted like they had given up and left. But really they hid just around the corner.

    Soon the Trojans found the horse. "What is it?" they asked each other. Nobody knew. (The Greek soldiers hiding inside kept very quiet). Then they found a Greek soldier hiding nearby. He said (though this was part of the trick) that the other Greeks hated him and they had left him behind. So the Trojans asked him what the horse was for. He said it was an offering to Athena.

    Well, the Trojans didn't want to upset Athena either, so they rolled the big horse into the city of Troy. It was so big it wouldn't go through the gate, and they had to tear down a piece of the city wall to get it in. They left it at the temple of Athena, and then the Trojans had a big party to celebrate the end of the war. (Still the Greek soldiers inside the horse kept very quiet).

    Finally everyone fell asleep, and NOW the Greek soldiers came out of the Trojan Horse and killed the guards on the walls. They signalled to the other Greeks to come attack Troy. They could get in now because the walls were torn down. There was a big battle and the Greeks won. All the Trojan men were killed, and all the women and children were taken back to Greece as slaves.

    This story does not actually appear in the Iliad or the Odyssey, but it is told in Virgil's Aeneid and in other ancient sources.

    Here's a video of some high school boys reenacting the Trojan Horse story. I think it's interesting to remember that the men who fought the war were only a year or two older than these boys, and actually the men fighting in Iraq now are also only a year or two older.

    Possible explanations

    Pausanias, who lived in the 2nd century AD, wrote on his book Description of Greece.

    That the work of Epeius was a contrivance to make a breach in the Trojan wall is known to everybody who does not attribute utter silliness to the Phrygians (1,XXIII,8)

    where by Phrygians he means the Trojans. There has been some modern speculation that the Trojan Horse may have been a battering ram resembling, to some extent, a horse, and that the description of the use of this device was then transformed into a myth by later oral historians who were not present at the battle and were unaware of that meaning of the name. Assyrians at the time used siege machines with animal names; it is possible that the Trojan Horse was such.

    It has also been suggested that the Trojan Horse actually represents an earthquake that occurred between the wars that could have weakened Troy's walls and left them open for attack. Structural damage on Troy VI—its location being the same as that represented in Homer's Iliad and the artifacts found there suggesting it was a place of great trade and power—shows signs that there was indeed an earthquake. Generally, though, Troy VIIa is believed to be Homer's Troy deity Poseidon had a triple function as a god of the sea, of horses and of earthquakes.

    The Trojan horse may also refer to the Trojan cavalry lead by Hector. The enemy could have disguised themselves as this cavalry unit and were let back into Troy without question.

  2. Its a computer virus that enters the interface masquerading as a benign program.  

  3. Do your own homework.

  4. The Ancient Trojan Horse was really donkey who wanted to compete in the great race around the world. Not any race, but the GREAT race. One day a poor Italian commoner and his donkey wanted to sign up to race. No one thought for one second that this donkey had a chance to win, but they let him race anyways, just for laughs and giggles.

    To make a long story short, the race had to go through Greece, who, at the time, was having the Trojan War. So while all the horses got horse-napped, and the riders died a slow painful death, the donkey and the poor Italian commoner valiantly trotted their way to victory and pie.

    Since that donkey was the only surviving animal contestant, they nicknamed him, "The Ancient Trojan Horse". So all in all, the poor Italian commoner and his donkey who everyone thought would loose would end up winning it all.

    There is a moral to all this:

    Winners work their a$$'s off from start to finish.

  5. The Trojan Horse was a ruse , and a literary device of the Greek poet Homer , allowing the Trojans to finally breach the defenses of the besieged city of Ilium to the detriment of it's defenders and thus affectively ending the war between the Argives and the Trojans .

    It was a wooden horse containing sappers who opened the gates to allow besieging forces entry to the walled city .

    It is also a  term that has entered into the lexicon of the Occident meaning "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts".


  6. i always thought it was a condom until today :)

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