
What Is Area 53?

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Apparently its a cult?

how many areas are there?!?

and what are they all?





    they be UFO out there

  2. I'm not sure. But I know Area 51 is supposed to be where UFOs crashed.

  3. The Area 53 Assembly of Alcoholics Anonymous shall always be a service body and shall respect the autonomy and privilege of dissent of any or all A.A. Groups in the Area 53 General Service Conference Area. In the course of its deliberations and discussions, the Area Assembly shall be ever mindful of the ideals expressed in the Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts, and The A.A. Service Manual and shall strive to be the true voice and group conscience of Area 53 A.A. Unity.

          Service shall be the Area Assembly's primary purpose.The Area Assembly shall encourage all Area 53 A.A. Groups to participate in the business of the Area Assembly and to support the Area Assembly in its efforts to cooperate with Alcoholics Anonymous at all levels.

          The Area Assembly is specifically charged with the duties of electing a Delegate to the General Service Conference, giving the Delegate financial support so that he or she may serve the Area and assisting the Delegate in the course of the duties of the office.The Area Assembly is also to elect an Alternate Delegate and Area Officers and Alternates.

    Operating Principles of the Area 53 Assembly

    In all of its proceedings, the Area 53 Assembly shall observe the spirit of the A.A. Traditions.Great care shall be taken that the Assembly never becomes the seat of perilous wealth or power; that sufficiency of operating funds be its guiding financial principle; that none of the Assembly members shall ever be placed in a position of unqualified authority over any of the others; that all important decisions be reached by discussion, vote and whenever possible, by substantial unanimity.No Assembly action shall ever be personally punitive nor an incitement to public controversy.Though the assembly may act for the service of Alcoholics Anonymous, it shall never perform any acts of government.Like the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, which it serves, the Assembly itself shall always strive to maintain unity in thought and action.

  4. The only thing I can find is this page for AA.  The website for is only showing an entry page, and at the top says coming soon. . .  I really think it's just a group for the Alcoholics Anonymous people in the central and southeastern Ohio :)

    Hope this answers your question!!!

  5. I don't know about Area 53, but Area 51 is a military facility in Nevada that is purported to also be the site of a UFO crash where aliens survived.


  7. Looks like a bunch of fellers living in their Momma's basement playing on the Internet with way too much time on their hands.
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