
What Is It Like To Live In London, England??

by Guest45482  |  earlier

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I know this sounds like a very silly question lol. But I was wondering because I'm thinking about moving there in a couple years. What's the weather like? Is it like living in the U.S.? Just feel free to add anything!





  1. I lived in London for 2 years (I'm from New Zealand) and I absolutely loved it.  There is so much going on, so much to see and do, so much history and so many different faces to London that you can never see it all.  Samuel Johnson said "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life," and I would have to agree!  The weather is mixed - winters can be cold and wet, and summers variable.  I had one extremely hot summer and one averagely hot summer, so I guess I was lucky because English summers can be awful.  I have to say that I never felt unsafe in London; I lived in south-east London, in Canada Water, and even walking home alone from the tube station late at night I always felt pretty safe.  Certainly there are dodgy areas, but if you avoid them you should be fine.  London does get crammed with tourists but you learn which areas to avoid and when to avoid them.  I've been away from London for nearly two years now, and I still miss it sometimes.

  2. My Aunts lived in London for ages she said it's a good place.  Their money is pretty good because it doubles the dollar in US.  The weather is almost always raining and cold.  The streets are too small and most of the people there take the train not cars.  But it's a good place for a vacation.

  3. Well moving there is going to be very difficult unless you marry someone there, have family there or can get a job over there. But public transportation, true Londoners, pubs, unique shops, and black cabs are all what make London a great place. But its also one of the most expensive cities in the world. I can vouche for that!

  4. Ok i'm not going to lie. I have lived in london 16 years. and it is going down hill at the moment. There is two kinds of london. The london that the tourists see is only the city center. Big Ben, Parliment and the squares and stuff. But like any other city, the surburban life is not as glamourous as the rest of london. I live in south east london and it is very dangerous. It is not a place that you want to be walking alone at night put it that way.

    Ive never lived in U.S but i dont think that there is a resemblement in the two places.

    the weather is **** actually. Last summer we witnessed flash floods and i have recently come back from greece to rain in london. Which to be honest is not a great suprise these days.

    Everyone has different opinions about London but dont make your decision on my opinion. London is a great place. You just need to grow up in it not knowing any different.

    I would recommend that you visit london on a long weekend just to see how you like london and the surrounding areas before you make your decision.

  5. No, it's not like living in the U.S

    For a start, you get 4 seasons a year, Spring,

    Summer , Autumn and Winter. And there is

    no guarantee that you will get good weather

    for any of it. Miserable summers, lousy autumns,

    mild (or cold) winters and (for this year) we had

    a wonderful spring. (Which takes about 2 month

    for trees, and blossoms and plants to put out their


    But it is beautiful. I wouldn't like to live anywhere else.

  6. it depends where in the u.s. you live but chances are its very different. the weather is quite often rainy or cloudy and wearing tshirt and shorts doesnt happen very often.  you would be considered sensible carrying an umbrella everywhere with you.  london itself is 2 different places. the tourist areas are always busy and are a nightmare to be in because everything is soooo slow moving so if your attracted to the things in london such as oxford street, trafalgar square and probably anything else you have heard of you will see it from a completely different point of view when you live here. most people who live in london dont live near these areas either because its really expensive to live in and quite alot of people live in the east or south of london which is the 2nd side to london and the one only londoners really realise is there. its really bad living in london at the moment, not a day goes by where you dont here something about a stabbing or attack, i speak for most people when i say i dont feel safe walking down the streets anymore. housing and everything is alot more expensive than the us, twice the price in fact and if your going to move to the uk london is probably not your best bet as its the most expensive place to live in the uk!  

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