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  1. isnt it the art of collecting stamps? or is that philantelist?

  2. As a word, it is built up from two Greek forms:

    "Philos"  meaning "love for" and

    "Anthropos"  meaning "mankind" but included all humans in its intention. not just male humans.

    There is no suggestion of homosexuality in the word; only love for one's fellow human beings.

    It is observed in everyday life by acts of kindness, generosity, charitable giving, and consideration for the problems of others.

  3. As defined by Bushbaby above philanthropy is giving, and you don't need to be hyper rich to give.

    In an economic coontext, there's a whole field of study devoted to philanthropy and altruism.

    Basically, economists assume that people with philanthropic/altruistic tendencies have the well-being of others at heart, and gain satisfaction/utility from having others do better in life. Hence due to diminishing marginal utility, for 2 people with identical utility functions, the more one has, the less is the extra utility of spending the extra dollar on oneself, and the higher from spending it on others. Hence one would spend on others the more one has.

    Butsince some people who are not so well off do practice philanthropy, this is explained by having the weightage of others utility in their utility function to be higher. It mattered more to mother theresa how other people did than it mattered to hitler for example, since mther theresa's utility function had a high weighyt on the well being of others, Hitler did not.

    From a policy view, the altruism feeling helps in allocating public funds, and even taxation systems. For example, northern europenas are generally more altruistic and are willing to take high levels of taxes for social welfare, much more than other people across the world. Contrast that with the US or Hong Kong or Singapore where it's a race as to who will cut taxes at the highest brackets the fastest.

    Hope that helped.

  4. Philanthropy is the act of donating money, goods, time or effort to support a charitable cause, usually over an extended period of time and in regard to a defined objective. In a more fundamental sense, philanthropy may encompass any altruistic activity which is intended to promote good or improve human quality of life. Someone who is well known for practicing philanthropy may sometimes be called a philanthropist. Although such individuals are often very wealthy, people may nevertheless perform philanthropic acts without possessing great wealth.

    Philanthropy is a major source of income for artistic, musical, religious, and humanitarian causes, as well as educational institutions ranging from schools to universities

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