
What Is Progressive Scan Mode??

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On Some DVD Players And Video Games It Says Progressive Scan Mode. I Just Wanted To Know What That Was




  1. Interlaced : Opposite of progressive, each frame is shown as a half frame, then after a split second another frame is shown which is the other half of the frame. Your eye can't tell the difference UNLESS there is fast action on the screen example sports where the ball moves faster than the rate of the frames switching and you see subtle "tearing" of the image of the ball. Also this can be seen if camera pans quickly etc... Progressive means that frames are shown in their entirety, which eliminates this problem.

    In other words progressive is the best display mode

  2. Progressive scan mode means it plays video to a slower rate.Normal videos are played with frame rate of 15fps to 30 fps (fps = frames per second).But in progressive scan mode you can play it to as low as 2fps.Some progressive scan mode also feature different scenes of a particular video so that you can choose the scene you want to play from.

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