
What Is SR22 Insurance in Texas?

by Guest31915  |  earlier

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I'm asking becasue a friend says he needed it.




  1. The SR-22 (insurance certificate) is a form prescribed by the department and issued by insurance companies when evidence of financial responsibility must be certified. it has speacial Requirements that the person has to be able to follow up with.

    if you want mmore inforemation type in sr22 insurence texas


    and that will have more information for you

    hope this helps

  2. Answer from a General Insurance Agent.

    "SR22 Insurance" as is commonly referred to, Is actually only "Auto Insurance" with an SR22 Endorsement, where the insured has requested and the Insurer has agreed and filed a form SR22 with the state on the insured's behalf.

    An SR22 is generally required after a traffic citation for Driving without the appropriate Financial Responsibility (Insurance) as required by state law but can be requred in other situations such as DWI's, uncovered accidents, certain weapons related traffic incidents, road rage, etc.

    The driver needing the SR22 may or may not be a high risk Driver. It just depends on their driving record. If the only infraction on the drivers record is a a single no insurance ticket with no other violations then it is not considered high risk. If the requirement is due to a DWI or DUI and or if the SR22 Filing is required due to an accident without insurance or the above described, then thats another matter and would certainly be considered High Risk.

    The law requires that should the policy Expire, Cancel or Non-Renew for any reason, The insurer must file a cancelation of the SR22 with the State. Should your filing period not yet be expired, Then the state will suspend your license for failure to comply with the SR22 requirement.

    We write about a dozen of these policies a week.

    Good Luck

  3. anywhere its serious risk insurance you need it when you get in alot of accidents or get alot of moving violations

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