
What Is So Heroic About Getting Shot Down After Bombing Innocent Peasants in Viet Nam?

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Yea sure, bombing from 30,000 feet and using napalm helped boost these results:

During the conflict, approximately 3 to 4 million Vietnamese on both sides were killed, in addition to another 1.5 to 2 million Lao and Cambodians who were drawn into the war.




  1. Because he was fighting "to keep America free". Those nasty vietnamese had designs on invading our beloved homeland.

  2. he has a few years left and wants to do better than dropping naplam,


  3. Nothing but this poem I found on that first link tries to comfort the poor cold blooded murderers.

  4. How can anyone really know?  Maybe McCain should release his full naval record.  Then we could all see exactly what kind of hero he was during his service.  

    That would be a good thing for someone whose appeal depends so much on that record, you'd think.

  5. Nothing.

    A hero is someone who saves another from, say, drowning!

  6. I admire McCain's service, but it seems like the only leg he has to stand on.

    He supports and backs Bush on most issues.

    He admits he doesn't know much about the economy.

    He is for overturning Roe v Wade.

    He doesn't know the difference between a sunni and a shiite.

    He doesn't know the geography of the middle east.

    On and on and on

  7. It does not matter what happened 50 years ago. I guess he had flash backs of being a POW as he was beating his wife.

  8. Grow up Junior.

  9. were you his co-pilot?then you have no idea, anybody who thinks the primary mission in vietnam was to kill civilians is an absolute fool.

  10. Why, did he miss you?  You sound like one of the VC with your propaganda.

  11. In Viet Nam the air forces of the United States made an enormous effort to limit civilian casualties.  

  12. I dispise that term "heroic" and "pride" or being "proud" to fight for the country.

    Like you say bombing innocent " humble" peasants is not something "heroic"

    I think America in particular are rather obsessed with the Super-Hero image from their childhood fantasies. We have them in Blighty too the wannabe Actionman-Hero running around in their special forces boots and kit to look hard.

    Killing people to earn respect is definitely not in anyway "Heroic" SICK yes.

    Just one other note many who were forced to fight in Vietnam are not in the least bit proud of what they did and are suffering mentally to this day. Well they have gotta be haven't they?

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