
What Is The American View Of The EU...?

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Do you worry about the rising power of the United States of Europe?




  1. The United States of Europe?  I don't even know what that no.  Americans are mostly concerned with the Middle East right now.  I don't think many people see Europe as any kind of threat.

  2. Not at all.  It was designed to be beneficial to all the European countries.  What helps them, helps everyone.   Money talks.   More power to them.

  3. As an American I am not worried about the EU, europeans are in most cases smarter then Americans.  I do think however that now more then ever is the time for all of the nuclear powers to sign the non-proliferation act.

  4. I don't see any rising power. I see a bunch of different countries trying to protect their own uniqueness while getting the other countries to bend to the collective will.  

    I just don't believe the whole idea will be successful.  However, America's future lies with Asia and Latin America, and perhaps with Africa, not Europe.  What Europe does is irrelevant to our future.

  5. Europe is so different from USA that they can not be compared. We have no aims to dominate world`s oil fields or attack innocent countries just to develope new guns and suppor war industry.

  6. nope. you guys only have your military where as we have our military, with bases there, as well as militia andprivate citizens that will gladly put a bullet in the cranium of any invader. as far as power, we have moved so close to a global economy that if we go down...we will take everyone with us.

    nope I have no fear from th EU

  7. Why should America worry about the EU? It's not a military union the EU. The EU is about trading and removing restriction on goods from one EU country to another.

  8. The North American Union-someone is pushing for 3-4 world blocks. I hear this awful thing 'Common Purpose' is infiltrating hte US from the EU. Watch out for that phrase they indoctrinate people and grab public funds.

  9. Check out, "End Game", by Ray Jones. It is a documentary about world domination by the richest and most powerful people in the world. The eventual indoctrination of an elite class, and a slave class. The uniting of the continents and creation of a North American union, an Asian pacific union, And Africa has to fit in their somewhere (diamonds) Is the next major goal. This will be accomplished slowly, to make it seem like a good idea. Not that It would make any difference what we thought anyway. I think it's in book form also.

  10. No, I don't worry about that because I trust Europe to make good decisions. However, I am afraid of the downfall of America which seems to be a much more immediate threat.

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