
What Is The Best 2009 Baseball Bat?

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I Can Decide Between Pitch Black CF3, Combat or a Stealth. Any Other suggestions and which should i buy.




  1. You should buy a new stealth they dont crack as easily as the old one and there is like a 2 year warranty.

  2. the nike aero fuse its insane it has a crazy amount of pop

  3. the black cf3

  4. we have all three on our high school team

    the pitch black cf3 takes the competition to school

    so much long lasting pop and perfect weight distribution

    feels very light and did not get any dents the whole year

    i recommend the 33/30 model

    cf3 is the most expensive but it is the best of the three

    has a warranty too

  5. maybe you should get a tpx exogrid,they look tight. have you ever hit with a stealth, it feels different. and if your going into highschool you have to get a -3 bat.

  6. Try and google the best ranked bats for 09. I know that the Nike C2 is flying off the shelf and the stealths have always been the favorite but lately the Comat's are picking up. We always tell our customers to snoop around a little bit. Also make sure and check out the last year's model and there feed back. Alot of the time the bat manufacturers will just change the color of a bat. The only way they completely change a bat is if they name it something else. I know I am girl but trust me I have been talking bats for 5 years now! Plus I played my whole life!

  7. take the stealth. that thing is beastly

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