
What Is The Best Way To Deal With Pain From Tonsillitis?

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i have had it for about 3 days now and i have been to the doctor to get pills but the pain is killing me does anyone know of anything to help with the pain??




  1. i had tonsillitis since i was seven and this year i've gotten my tonsils taken out. its the better than takin medicine cuz they do not work.

    its so worth it.

  2. I'm assuming you may not be allergic to this, and have not had any reactions previously. I would recommend Ibuprofen 500mg. This should make the pain subside for 6 - 8 hours, and you can find it at your local drug store under various brand names. talk to your pharmacist and he should be able to advise you.  

  3. A numbing throat spray if you can stand spraying it back there..... it's been a while since I have had a bad one but I can remember how bad it feels. Hang in there, they get rarer the older you get.

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