
What Is The Best Way To Make Money Online!

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Im looking for a really good way to make money online over the internet, my son was in a bad car crash, and im a single parent and need to find some way of keeping up the income as well as our benefits now, can anyone help me ?




  1. Now a days, ad clicks become very famous over internet.  Ad clicks means - if you click an advertisement then they will give you money.  As far as I know this is the most legal and nice way to get some money online.  There are lot of websites for this but I personally recommend NEOBUX.  They are really good when compared to others.


  2. The Internet is a great place - information of all kinds is at your finger tips - and with the click of a button you have the ability to be entertained, informed, shop, and why not - pay your bills.  Can you use this information highway to make money? Yes.  Will you become rich within a year? Probably not.  Though the Internet has plenty of opportunities, the most important thing to consider before venturing into the world of online business is to understand that anything you earn online should be a supplement to existing pay; not a substitute for it.    There is no need to take out a ten thousand dollar loan to start up some kind of new innovative Internet business, because not only is this sort of thing high risk, but it's what everyone and their dog is doing.   If you were considering quiting your day job and working for yourself online, take a breather and re-consider.  The Internet is in constant fluctuation - what's hot one day is out the next - and in order to really compete on an innovative level you need to not only be popular, but consistent as well.  

    This isn't to suggest that you can't launch a revolutionary website and live off of that for the next few decades, but rather to keep things realistic.  If you start out with the goal of simply earning a few extra bucks, the chances are you'll be able to concentrate a lot more on what you're doing rather then how you're doing it -- and this is key.

    So, how can you make money online? Lots of ways. Whether you're looking to simply add a few extra hundred bucks to your pocket or an extra $20,000 a year, the important thing to keep in mind is that with the Internet, diversity is key.  Do not limit yourself or focus your efforts entirely on one area.   If you put a little bit of effort into a lot of different fields, the chances are you'll earn a much more stable source of money.  That being said, the second thing to keep in mind when venturing into the online world is to work with what you know, and to work with what you enjoy.  The following is a list of several ways to create a source of income for yourself online: Just remember that you should not limit yourself to just one potential path - combine and connect as many as you can to create a diverse and solid stream of income.

    1) Probably the biggest area a website of some kind.  Find a topic you love, and create a blog about it.   The important thing to remember with a website however, is that content is key.  Are you into fishing? Create a fishing blog.  Talk about fishing as you would without the goal of making money in mind.  Do you love to create short films on your spare time? Make a website to distribute your short films.  The idea is to take a hobby or area of interest of yours, and let it work for you.  Equally as important is to put your own unique spin onto your hobby.  Don't just make a fishing website.  Develop a since of witty humor and create inside jokes which relate to the topic.  Don't just create short films.  Add a feature which will allow users to submit comments and create a contest which will allow the winners idea to make a cameo appearance in your next film. The more niche you can create around your website, the better, because this is what will cause people to come back to your website. And if people are coming back to your website, you will have the opportunity to make money.

    So, how do you make money off of a website? Lots of ways.  On your fishing website, did you devlop a joke that is easily recognizable to you and universally loved? Put it on a t-shirt and sell the t-shirt.  Do your short films entertain people? Then put them on DVD's and sell the DVD's.  Do a lot of people visit your website in large bulky numbers? Then put some advertisements up and earn money just for having them there.  Put up a donation button on your website. If people truly love what you do, they will support you.

    2) A more overlooked way of earning money online is through the venture of outsourcing.  Outsourcing involves creating one central component and allowing multiple sources of income to rely on that one component.  For example, if you're a filmmaker but not quite up to the idea of creating a website for film distribution, then you can try a type of outsourcing.  Generate buzz and hype for your film - and then instead of making money off of that film let the the films popularity make money for you. This can be done in any number of ways -- you can, for example, put together a CD of sound effects used in your film and sell the licensing rights to use them to other filmmakers.  Outsourcing is very unstable because it relies more on popularity then it does a solid product - but if you're clever with it you can make a lot of money with very little effort put in.  Combined with running a website, outsourcing can provide quite a nice bonus.

    3) Merchandising.  Probably the most popular and direct way of making money online is to open up a small shop.  Unfortunately this area is very clogged and overused so it can be tough to break into.  You'll need some product, or some re-invention of an old product, that really lets you stand out from others.  You don't need to be hyper creative or competitive in this area if you combine it with a website and/or outsourcing - so long as you produce only as you sell you can generate a steady enough income with a shop combined with other prospects.

    4) Affiliate programs - Some websites will pay you simply to exchange links and or generate their website hype.  You may not make much through this, but it's a certainly an easy way to earn some extra money.

    5) Services - Rather then selling a product, you can try selling a service.  This requires a little bit more innovation and a lot more effort, but is a lot easier to get into and certainly a lot more in demand.  Services can range anywhere from helping college students with their homework to helping a webmaster submit his website to search engines - just like a website - find something you're good at and let it work for you.    The only downside is that this is more commission based pay; you will only earn money as your service is demanded.  But because services are often more time consuming, you can certainly charge a lot more.

    6) 'Get paid to' websites.  There are plenty of websites out there which will pay you to do all kinds of various activities - from filling out surveys online to simply clicking advertisements.  There are a lot of scam 'get paid to' websites out there - so make sure to never register for one which requires you to fill in any sensitive information or one which requires a sign up fee.   You will not get rich with 'get paid to' websites - but if you sign up to enough, you will receive things like links and surveys in your email inbox every so often which will require perhaps only an extra half an hour of your day at a time, and as a result you can make anywhere from an extra $1,000 to $5,000 depending on how many websites you signed up for and how much time you put into it.   In the short run this may not seem like much, but considering how little time it takes combined with extended periods of time such as 5 years, the extra money can certainly add up and be worth it.

    Many 'Get paid to' websites have a referral system as well - which allows you to earn 10 percent of what anyone you refer to their websites make.  If you combine your popular fishing website with a 'get paid to' website - you can place your referral link on your popular website and earn money by letting other people fill out surveys.  You can double the amount you make from get paid to websites on this type of system alone.  I will post a few links to a few legitimate get paid to fill out survey websites at the end of this article -- I cannot vouch for any others not posted in this article.

    7) Most of all - be creative! The Internet is full of constantly new emerging ideas and it's important that you stay on top of things.  Just a few years ago the idea of a social networking site was unheard of - and now such websites are generating millions of dollars.  I can't promise that you'll come p with the next million dollar idea, but if you continue to push your limits and aren't afraid to experiment you never know where you may end up.

    Combining the ideas listed above with your own can create a constant steady stream if income.  How much you make is really dependent on how many money making schemes you employ and how much time and effort you put into each and every one.  So long as you are doing something you love, and so long as other people love what you do, you will be able to find some sort of way to make a buck or two - whether it be through selling t-shirts or posting advertisements - there's always some sort of way to make what you love work for you. Hopefully this article gave you a clearer idea of the Internet's potential.  You don't need a big start up loan to make money either - just put your heart into it and create what you know. -GPT fill out surveys online. My website lots more  information on GPT websites.


    On this site you upload photos and every time one of yours is downloaded you get paid.


    By using this site.

  5. Take a look at the site below - its totally free and no money out of your pocket what so EVER!!

    Just get your friends, family, etc to shop on the site and you will make money off of them.  You do have to sign up but you dont have to shop unless you want to!! Browse thru the site and see if its something you think you can do.

    Here is my profile, if you want to take a look: tomeka96

    >great for extra cash!

  6. is not sign up for that site because you will either have to wait months for your payments or wont get paid at all.if you want to make money online without getting scammed check out these sites i have listed.

    1. - pays you to view websites for about 30seconds can make really good cash here if you build up your downline.also check out there forums for more info or payment proofs of the members.

    2. same as neobux but with more ads to view.

    or if your interested in surveys..

    3. - this is a survey/offer type of site that pays you to complete free offers and surveys.

    4.c a s h c r a t THE SPACES) same as the above^^

  7. there are lots of ways to make money online like blogging, advertising programs, sale on eBay, affiliate marketing, online surveys, ebook publishing,... check this website. it provides lots of information and ideas to make money online. Hope it helps you.

  8. i would take online surveys.  For more information check out my blog.

  9. login to its free to register

  10. try this

    hope it helps:


    try the link above. Shutterstock is a great website that allows you to make a 25 cent profit every single time someone downloads your photo!

  12. Hey, the easiest way to earn some extra cash is by registering to a few sites. I have resgistered for these 3 sites below and all I do is click sites and get paid through paypal. Its very easy and you do get paid. T

  13. There is a social Networking Site called Yuwie.Yuwie is just like Orkut, MySpace etc... You have to sign up for a Free account. The registration with yuwie is 100% Free and you never have to pay anything for them. ok I know now you have a Question in your mind. that is..

    How I am going to earn with them?

    You can upload your pictures, videos even you can create a blog."You will get some dollars if any one just visit your blog or view your profile, picture, or videos". Yes they will pay you for every thing you do with other social networking sites like Orkut, myspace. You may think why some has to pay me for doing nothing than just bloging and uploading pictures?

    The concept lies behind this.. When a person visit your blog or view your profile, pictures, videos uploaded in yuwie, they will also see some ads posted by yuwie. For displaying the ads the advertisers will pay yuwie some dollars. Now yuwie earned some dollars because of you by displaying ads to your visitor. so yuwie will share a part of it's profit with you.

    The Special with Yuwie is they share the revenue with you. But other websites won't share their revenue with their visitors. So make this opportunity to earn a use full one.

    You will get $0.15 per 3000 page views. Now You may think that I am a fool .But actually not. And you have to read this very carefully. You are not going to make $10000 per month all by yourself.

    You are going to earn from your referrals. A referral is a person who join under you. You have to make just 3 peoples or more to join under you. Tell them to make 3 peoples to join under them and tell them to say the same thing to their referrals. That's all , now you are ready to earn $10000 per month without any Investment.

    The problem is this....

    You and your referrals must have 3000 page views per month to earn $10000 per month. Don't worry you will Get help you and your referrals to get 3000 page views and tons of referrals for free and It will not cost you a single dollar this is 100% Guarantee. For this you keep on reading this site..

    The best thing is you can earn from your referrals to 10 level deep.

    For example

    1. You make John to join yuwie and

    2. John makes Peter to join yuwie and

    3. Peter makes Bob to join yuwie

    4. .....

    5. .....

    6. .....

    7. .....

    8. .....

    9. .....

    10. Tom joined under the nineth Person

    Now you will get a percentage or John's, Peter's, Bob's, ..... till Tom's earning. See you can even earn form a person who joined in your 10thlevel.

    See how much you can earn...

    See how much you can earn , There are Many online Jobs but Any some of them may work for you But This system will Definitely Work for everyone..

    If you join under me , my mentor and I would guide you towards success in Yuwie..

    To join under me please log on to

    So join right away and start thinking how are you going to spend $ 10,000 monthly..

    Hope to hear from you soon...

    With Regards ,


  14. A Great way to make money online FAST and EASY is with this new site I just joined! I made a quick $40 with more money on its way!

    This site is awesome,legit and has paid me 5 times in 18 days!

  15. I know a great way to make money, as a matter of fact, I

    get blog jobs all the time on this website.

  16. Checkout they have a list of good sites to make money at.

  17. The best way to earn some cash is to join a reliable

    pay to click(ptc) I  will tell you the best ptc which

    gives you 15 clicks daily (which takes 10 minutes), &&

    you can also earn by referals.

    step 1-  make an account on as paypal)

    which pays you through checks, registration is free.

    step 2-  make account on the site given below for free & earn

    cash & main thing the payout is 10$ & it takes 40-60 days so have patience .....

    Earnings Example

    » You click 15 ads per day = $0.15

    » 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $3.00

    » Your daily earnings = $3.15

    » Your weekly earnings = $22.05

    » Your monthly earnings = $88.2


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