
What Is The Courage To Do What Is Right And Not What Is Expected...?

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the situation you might find class room, in working place, in a championship, in military, or when you were fed by an ideology your heart know there might be something not proper with it....whatever




  1. Here's a beautiful Prayer:

    God grant me the serenity,

    To accept the things I cannot change,

    COURAGE to change the things I can,  and

    Wisdom,  to know the difference.

  2. It really takes a lot of courage to do what is right but is not expected!!

    And we can't classify courage!Can we?

  3. Self-righteousness!

  4. It's sometimes called pigheadedness.  What makes you think that everyone else is wrong and you are right?

  5. ...stop drinking and make a better life for yourself...

  6. I'll give you one example from my life. I was dating the most beautiful, desireable woman in the world once.  She wasn't sure if she wanted to marry me or another guy who was also interested in her. I didn't want there to be any doubt in her mind when we got married, so I encouraged her to get to know him. She did, and 3 years later they got married. I gave her the happiness she wanted at an extreme cost to my own.

    To me that was the right thing to do. Everyone else thought I was an idiot for letting her go, but I didn't want to marry me with doubts in their mind.

  7. i dunno

  8. Following what you believe is right and not what others tell you is right.

  9. doing something you believe in, and not what the bible says.

  10. If we believe that morality comes from society (and evolution) then what is expected by our society IS what is right.  Right is a fluid concept and it would make no sense to defend some transient version that our imagination has frozen in time.  The problem is that we're remembering and defending a different society with different expectations.  

    If we truly believe that right transcends society expectations, then we actually are moral absolutists and must, by logic, believe in God.

  11. It comes from conviction to listening to your conscience and following it, as opposed to seeking the approval of the world.

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