
What Is The Difference Between: A Supplier; A Distributor and A Wholesaler?

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  1. Supplier is the cereal factory company.

    Distributor is the trucking company that ships the cereal to Costco or WalMart

    Wholesaler is Costco or Walmart.

  2. A supplier is the person who SUPPLIES the

    product to the store (to be sold).

    A Distributor is a person who (usually) has

    a specific territory that he covers to take sales

    for the company HE works for.  He makes the

    sales to the stores that sell to the general public.

    A wholesaler is any company that sells at

    wholesale price...that means without a

    profit mark up.  Most wholesalers only sell

    to the end-line store, that sells to the general public.

  3. Supplier is just a general term that can cover wholesaler and distributor.

    Wholesalers own big warehouses where retailers come to purchase goods.

    Distributors actually deliver goods and are usually licensed by a manufacturer to do so. For example, an air conditioning company will license another company to distribute and fit its products rather than go to the expense of doing it itself.

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