
What Is The Difference Between An Embassy, A Consulate And A High Commission?

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  1. An embassy is the headquarters for overseas diplomacy, business and matters of state. In Commonwealth countries these are known as high commissions. They are located in a nation's capital.

    A consulate could effectively be considered a 'branch office' of an embassy or high commission. They are normally located in areas where the nation has a vested business or diplomatic interest in the region, or where a region contains a large population of their 'foreign nationals'.  

  2. There's no difference between an Embassy and a High Commission.  The term High Commission is a just a British terminology.  Consulates are smaller embassies placed outside the capital cities

  3. Embassy - In a country outside Commonwealth. Always in capital city.

    Consulate - A branch or smaller type of embassy in a second city often where lots of tourists go.

    High Commission - Same as embassy but within Commonwealth

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