
What Is The Most Undignified Question You've Ever..

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Been asked as a Parent???

I am the proud mother to 5 young boys, and people always say,

* Wow, 5 kids - You must really love s*x *

I wish I was kidding.

How about you all??




  1. Because Joseph has a good head of hair and I am bald, people have said to me "are you sure He's yours??"

    FMD I wanted to drop kick them into next week!!!


    Ive had people say to me

    "Hes so handsome"

    "hes got such s**y blue eyes"

    "hes so gorgeous"

    and in the same sentence say " he looks just like his daddy"

    Ill say-

    " Dont that mean *IM* handsome,and gorgeouos with s**y blue eyes???"

    "UUUUMMM Noooooo!!!!!!"

  2. people always see to assume that my daughter is lonely as she is an only child !! (altho we are now expecting our 2nd!!) i constantly get oo thats a shame and go on when you having another !! but the truth is my daughter has had a great little life admittedly she always wanted a brother or sister but i have a career aswell people dont understand this !!! but hey ho now they say youve left ot a bit late !!! we cant win XXXXx  

  3. "Are they all yours"

    Anyone would think I've got a dozen kids under my wings, but I only have three,13, 9 and 1yr.  I'm not the biggest of people, and quite small for my age, at 31.  They seem amazed that a person of my stature can bear children?

  4. I havent really been asked one, oh actually, i'm tired of - when's the baby due - started when i came back to work 5 months after they were born. Apparently i never lost my "baby belly" so i look pregnant all the time - even when people know that i've already had twins.

    The most annoying ones (though that is pretty bad) Is Are they Twins? Are they Identical?

    My question - Are People Stupid????

  5. Are you the nanny of the kids?  When I am with my 3 kids.. WTF!!!!

  6. I've been asked a few, but the worst would have to have been when I was 3 or 4 months pregnant and only 17...

    I was at work and talking to one of the regular customers, one of the other girls I worked with must've told him I was pregnant, during the conversation about me being pregnant he said "Haven't you ever heard of using protection?!?!" among other embarrassing and degrading comments relating to my age and the fact that I'm single..

    I had no idea what to say, I just went bright red..

    Annoying part is.. my daughters father had actually had a vasectomy which obviously failed.. but people just assume I'm a silly teenager who's too irresponsible to think about being careful...


    And also.. the doctor I went to to have a pregnancy test (not my usual doctor) just assumed that because of my age I wanted an abortion and started telling me who I'd have to go to to have it done.. I honestly felt like punching him..

  7. HOW RUDE!

    When I was young my mother told me that I had child bearing hips! how lovely.

    When I did have children I had 4 in 6 years. The youngest is now 10. But when she was only 2 I had a so called friend ask when I would be pregnant again because I muast be due for another one. Very sad

  8. Because both my boys are the image of their dad's my nan always says 'well there's no doubt who the father is' she doesn't mean it like that but neither does she realise how bad it sounds!

  9. my kids do not have a father and I was sitting at a swimming lessons talking to a woman I had only met 2 minutes ago and she wanted to know why they don't and would not let up. In the end I told her that it really was not something I was prepared to talk about with  someone I do not know

    Oh and then there is the comment of an old boyfriend "Elijah for a name, gee he'll get beaten up at school for that name" Oh and the time he bought his new girlfriend around "to see the twins" like they are an exhibition in a zoo!!!Last i saw of him I can tell you.

    I love Mothers answer about twins. I agree I would be rich if I had a dollar for everytime I got asked if my boy/ girl twins were identical lol And I also used the answer "no, one has a p***s " lol

  10. Welcome back!

    I am forever asked:

    "Did you jump the fence?"

    Apparently my kids don't look like my husband.

    How rude!

  11. i get asked this all the time


    THEY think im gonna forever keep having babies, lol,, beacause i have 4 which is more than the regular family they assume im gonna have like 10 or something! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  NO WAY!

  12. I am luck that no one has been that rude to me yet, that I can think of.

    Just wanted to say happy to see you here. x*x

  13. I'm not a parent yet but with the little one on the way and me being 19 i get lots of condescending looks and people talking to me like im 5 which is really irritating. I can take it from random people off the street because they don't know me but when its Doctors, nurses and other professionals it really gets to me.

    I actually get suprised now if someone talks to me decently.

  14. I've been asked the same question. In fact I had a nickname for awhile, friends called me 'the breeder'. Answer them back with a huge grin and a wink. They will be SOOOOOO envious! And they will stop saying it after that response!

  15. I couldn't tell you how many times i have been asked 'Are you still with the dad' worse still, I bumped in to a old school friend when i was about 6months gone and she asked me 'Do you know who the dad is?' I honestly couldn't believe it! I must of sounded so stuck up, I nearly bit her head off lol!

    Also, When i went for my first midwifes appointment, She checked all my details including my age (19) as soon as she saw my age, She started offering advice on benefits, council housing and teenage pregnancy/ single mum support groups! All of that without even asking if i had a house, a partner & a job. She looked so shocked when i told her i was engaged, with our own house and we both had jobs.

    People really dont think, Oh i hate been asked 'was she planned' too, Does it matter? I love her more than anything, Planned or not!

  16. Literally the day we came home from the hospital, people started asking us when we were going to try for another.  With all the fun stuff that goes on in Female Land after giving birth, conceiving again, much less right away, was the last thing on my mind.  My hormones were also out of whack, leading me to snap at an inquirer, "What, isn't my beautiful little boy good enough for you?" before bursting into tears.  

    The other one isn't really a question, but my husband's uncle came to see our son when we got home from the hospital.  He said to my husband, "You're lucky you got a son on the first try."  What's worse is that he said it right in front of his adult daughter, who is his eldest child!  While he's usually a very sweet guy, I was appalled that he would say such a thing, in front of his "little girl" no less.

  17. I am getting the "OMG are you pregnant AGAIN??" > Yes ok I have spent the last 5 years either pregnant or breast feeding but come on, some of the time accidents happen.

    Either that or I get asked if the postman is the father because my kids look more like my side of the family than my partners.

    HOW RUDE!!!

  18. When i was younger i was told i had 'child bearing hips' my doctor when he found i was having twins he said 'WOW see i was right you did have child bearing hips' ...wonder what he meant by this .....mmmmm i wonder lol !

  19. Well, "Looks like mami and daddy had a little accident"  comes to mind...some guy in a grocery store line, I was talking to my toddler and nursing my newborn... We planned it this way and crazy as it might be now and then,  we love it :)The best though, I was in the same grocery, actually, and I had my 15 month old in the cart, and my newborn in a baby sling. The bakery lady came out and was fawning all over my kids and then comented that the rebozo (carrier) I was wearing that day was very pretty. BUT wasn't I afraid he'd fall out.

    I said "Oh, no, this holds up to about 80 pounds comfortably, I could put my ten year old in this thing! (laughing)".

    And she said "oh, so you practiced on her when she was a baby".

    Yeah, she was just our test run :)


  20. I look pretty young for my age and people always think I am around 18 or 19 years old (I am 27)  I usually don't mind, but when I am with my toddler and my newborn, I get lots of weird looks.  I even had one women tell me that I should go back to school and get my GED!!!!  I felt like smacking her, because I have a college degree AND my masters. UGH.

  21. I have 5 kids so people have mentioned the condom thing or if it wasn't that, it would be "don't you know how to stop that?"

  22. "Wow, 3 kids by 22. First at 17? You must have been a s**t."

    - No, actually. I wasnt.

  23. People always tell my husband he should get a DNA test to make sure our daughter is his. they say "YOU couldn't have had a daughter that cute, are you sure she's yours?!" After awhile it just gets old, and its rather rude.  

  24. As a foster parent, I'm pretty tired of being asked "how much do you get paid?".

    The other one I HATE is "that's so nice of you to take them in".  Like my children are stray puppies.  Drives me insane and people just don't get why I can be a bit rude.

  25. i got the question "did it hurt?"after i had my kids.nuff said

  26. Where to start????

    I have Boy / Girl twins and if i had a dollar for every moron that has asked me "Are they identical?" i'd be a millionaire. One time i was having a particulary difficult day and when asked this i actually replied "no sorry my son has a p***s and my daughter has a v****a, what do you think?" Lets just say that person dissapeared quickly.

    I also had someone ask me if the twins had different fathers because one is blonde and one is brunette. Bloody Imbaciles.

    A year after i had the twins, i had another daughter. We pushed a limo style pram with 3 seats everywhere. Then it got worse.... "Are they Triplets?" . I would reply "Sure they are, the 1st two just came out 12mths earlier..." DUH.

    It didnt end there, then it was the increasingly annoying questions about our super long pram. "Do you have a licence for that?" "Do we have to pay rego on the pram?" Grrrr

    By the time we had our 4th child, people started on the whole "Dont you have a television" and it still happens today. I'm now prepared to answer this one too, When they ask about our television, i'm just going to say "Of course it is broken, thank-you for your concern, could we borrow yours?"

    I just wish people would think before they speak.

  27. I went to a doctor for a check up - a new doctor in my area but a man probably in his 50's.

    He took my history and then when I said I had 5 children he said "oh wow that's alot of kids" and I explained I had been married before my current husband and that 4 were from my first husband.

    He then said that it was nice that a man had been willing to take on my "tribe" and said, I quote... "you must be a real s*x kitten".

    I was too shocked to say anything, but I did complain via a letter to the surgery manager the next day.

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