
What Is The One Thing In The World That You See That Leaves You So Saddened You Want To Do Something About It?

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the jonas brothers still being alive lol




  1. I guess that you brooke up with someone or lost someone you love... listen if you lost someone you love just move on ok... it's gonna be alright that person is always wil be with you.. but if i'm worng sorry and if its like someone you have a relationship withand had a fight... clear it up and talk it out with that person and hopefully things work out.. good luck =]

  2. Children suffering from hunger, abuse, being used by paedophiles, being mistreated by their own parents, the people who are meant to love & care for them.

    Abuse of children is way ahead of anything else.

  3. Homelessness,  not  just  adults  but  also  children  around  the  world.   Also  the  waste  and destruction of  wars.

  4. Take a look at some of the really asinine questions and answers in the Current Events section of Answers and you will get my answer to your question.

  5. Animal abuse? Give me a break. Everyone in their lifetime drunk milk before being squeezed out of a cow. Everyone ate some sort of animal in their lifetime even if they don't even know it. I think something that has saddened me very much is poverty.

  6. homelessness

  7. A sick or injured child.

  8. Those TV kids with malformed lips.. Thanks for the reminder.  Next time I'll donate.

  9. The ASPCA commercial thing, for animal abuse ;

    I cry EVERY SINGLE TIME I see it :'(              ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥

  10. Any type of violence/abuse of children.

  11. Global Warming, or the jonas brothers still alive

  12. people who neglect thier kids to do drugs

  13. Every day when I get home from work my wife is there.I wish I could change that.

  14. Right now, it would have to be the Russian invasion of Georgia.

  15. Animal Abuse!

  16. nonchristians

  17. When somebody hurts an animal!!

    I mean that's one of the things that I can't stand in this life...

    How can exist persons that have not mercy or consideration??

    In my country I see that in every corner, is almost usuall,

    And there's a lor of people that fight against it too...

    but we need to speak louder...

    Good question..

  18. Hunger and Lack of Decent Medical Care

  19. The amount of money sent overseas for "foreign aid"  

    International giving by US foundations: $3.4 billion

    Charitable giving by US businesses: $4.9 billion

    Religious overseas ministries: $4.5 billion

    US colleges scholarships to foreign students: $1.7 billion

    Personal remittances from the US to developing countries: $47 billion.

    If we kept half of it here at home and helped our needy - just think where we could be

  20. Crimes against children - (the Roman Catholic Church is at the top of the list).

  21. A lot of things, not just one.  

    Child abuse is at the top of the list.

  22. A dog in a crate :'(

    and animal abuse. If i ever saw that i swear i might kill the person right then and there.

  23. Child abuse and neglect, and abortion.

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