
What Is The Quickest Way To Make $130 ??

by  |  earlier

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Can't get a real job, too young, too lazy.

What is the queskest way?




  1. Go to and become a partner. You may be be paid up to $300-600 a week depending on your abilities and activity.

  2. Sell your PC on eBay for $130.  If that's too much work, ask your friend to sell your PC for $150 and give him $20 commission.  

  3. Illegally?  Prostitution.

    Legally?  Mow some lawns, take some cans to the redemption center, sell some belongings on EBAY, hold a yard sale, offer to help an elderly neighbor with their grocery shopping, etc.

    Ask around-- if you're young enough, there's surely some adult that would be willing to give you small chores to do for cash.

  4. illegally. there's always someone who needs drugs

  5. depends really like u live in the city or a small town do u have anything u could sell or pawn u could goggle it like paid surveys yeah they do have paid surveys for ppl under 18 or u can use ur yahoo searchbar just type - paid surveys for teens   i hope u get the money sounds like to me 130bucks is for an oz of weed might b wrong hope i am if i am im sorry if im not wrong make sure its good be4 u buy it

  6. Ask 10 people to give you $13 or ask 13 people for $10. Then you won't have to work at all. The more convincing your story, the more apt you will be at getting what you want; however, you may want to work on that laziness by finding passion in what you are doing so it won't feel like work. Most people aren't going to just hand you money... you have to work for it. You will find that most people are more willing to help people who will help themselves.

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