
What Is The Reason Cop Killer Mumia Abdul-Jamal Gathers Sympathy?

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I feel that the only reason Mumia Abdul-Jamal gathers public sympathy and demands for his release only because he is a well-educated person and a Black Activist. If if was anybody else he wouldn't have gathered any attention and would have been executed almost right away.

is that the only reason why Mumia gathers any attention. Do you really think he could be innocent?




  1. Uh-oh, I'm black and I have no idea what you're talking about, lol.  I haven't heard of this particular incident, but I know cop-killers always have my sympathy.  Police are worse than most criminals, and more criminal than most criminals.  I honestly can't say wether or not that man is innocent though, because I don't know what really happened.

  2. Well, some people see the case against Abdul-Jamal as somewhat flimsy... it relies on eye witnesses (who are notoriously unreliable), and there was no way to test to see if he actually fired the weapon that was used in the murder (though it did belong to him).

    His activism allows his supporters to portray him as political prisoner, and a victim of a malevolent white-power based establishment. The controversy of the death penalty also figures in, because if you oppose the death penalty, Abdul-Jamal being innocent makes an excellent justification for abolishing capital punishment.  

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