
What Is The Solution For Global Warming?

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How To Protect Our Ozone layer? What Is Our Responsibility?




  1. elimanate humans,so simple hea!

  2. Well there isn't a solution because global warming doesn't exist. The earth goes through heating and cooling phases, its documented.

    We do have a responsibility to help our earth though and not trash it. Try to live as green a life as possible. Try not to waste. Walk as much as you can. Start with little things and it will be easier and easier to do just one more thing, and before you know it, you'll be living the green life!

  3. stop the use and make of plastic bottles, turn to electric cars(some are faster than gas) buy a eco bottle instead of water bottles, remove your water softener if you have one and plant as many plants as you can

  4. We can't do anything to stop global warming, but we can use as little electricity at home, school, outside anywhere! One way or another global warming is going to happen. We just have to face the world one way or another. Just try to stay positive. :S

  5. there is not a straight forward solution its all of us working together to clean our air and help our environment.

  6. Here are some ways to prevent it:

    1. Reduce, Reuse Recycle (Ever notice reduce comes first?)

    2. If you own a vehicle own a higher efficient one like a hybrid.

    3. Live downtown and rarely drive

    4. Give to various environmental charities (Union of concerned Scientists, Nature Conservancy, and the Sierra Club, etc).

    5. Go Vegan. Probably one of the greatest positive impacts an individual can have on the environment as meat production in more energy intensive, and creates massive amounts of methane (20x's more powerful than CO2), as well as takes us to 16 pounds of grain to make one pound of beef).

    6. Buy local goods. Being a locovore is key to helping the environment when our food is shipped an average of 1600 miles. I buy at the local co-ops and farmers markets. I also buy local woods, fragrance sprays, clothing and more. Whatever I can find that is of decent quality and price I buy over non-local.

    7. Gardening: I have planted many bushes trees and flowers over the last few years. I also have a food garden that brings local and sustainability to a whole new level.

    8. Compost: Saves loads on trash and I need not by fertilizers which are often petroleum based. I also save on having buy and to ship in extra dirt.

    9. Travel Less: Especially buy plane which literally releases tones of CO2 per passenger per trip.

    10. Promote Awareness: We can't do this alone

    11. Write elected officials to create green laws.

    12. Put CFL's or LED's throughout your whole house.

    13. Use solar and crank flashlights: They save me money and the environment in energy as well as the embodied energy of batteries.

    14. Use tote bags :America uses over 380 billion bags a year that will not decompose in the landfills.

    15. Drink filtered not bottled water which takes petroleum for each bottle you drink and through away.

    16. Throw away a little as possible: I often find uses of people who want things in which many would through away out of sheer laziness.

    17. Buy hemp clothing: grows more prolifically than cotton, is stronger fabric making it last longer, and requires no pesticides.

    18. Buy recycled goods such as toilet paper, reclaimed materials for shoes, used clothing and construction materials, etc.

    19. Add extra insulation to you house.

    20. Walk or bike where possible; Or if you must take public transportation

  7. reduce emissions of carbon dioxide.

    how that's done...use less fossil fuel.


  8. The next Ice Age will take care of it as it has every other time in the past. Until then, I am driving cars that run on natural gas (methane) instead of gasoline. It's super cheap as well as much better for the environment!

  9. U can do nothing for or against the ozone layer . All that is that high is the solar winds and the earth's magnetic field.

    About Global Warming check with Gore isn't he a good example...

  10. There is no global warming

  11. global warming isnt real.its a cult worshipping mother earth.we should be worshipping god and getting oil from america

  12. For God's sake, there is GLOBAL WARMING. How do we protect our Ozone layer? ummm planting trees so that they reduce the green gases which are the main reasons for global warming. you can even switch off all the lights when you're leaving the house. Reduce the wastage of water. These are the things which I can think of.

  13. global warming has already gone too far. We can't stop it. When all of the polar ice caps melt there will be an estimated 27 ft. more water in the ocean. it will cover most of florida, cuba, and other states, and coutries. We can only slow it down. There is too many thigs to list that causes global warming. including people, animals, and even plants cause global warming.

  14. There is no solution. Global warming has progressed passed the point of being able to be stopped. 50 years from now drinking water will be more expensive than gasoline.

  15. Kim R, your answer sums it up nicely! I SUPPORT KIM R's ANSWER! VOTE HERS (or his pretending to be a her) ANSWER AS THE BEST!

  16. Renewable resources.

  17. Global warming is a prime example of the alarmism that characterizes much of the environmental movement. Media coverage of the topic is heavily slanted toward alarmism because “bad news sells,” making it difficult for climate realists to get a fair hearing. Al Gore’s recent movie, “An Inconvenient Truth,” has been severely critiqued by many experts, yet it is being shown in high schools across the country as an educational documentary.

    Climate science reveals that the world has warmed about 1 degree C during the past century, with half of that warming occurring before human emissions could have been responsible. Even if human activity is responsible for 100 percent of the warming since 1940, it is only about 0.5 degrees C., an amount so small it is within the error range of the instruments used to measure global temperatures.

    There is no consensus about the causes, effects, or future rate of global warming. Most climate scientists doubt the reliability of computer models and the accuracy of land-based temperature records. Reports by the IPCC are unreliable due to political editing and rewriting of the reports’ conclusions. Some of the key evidence cited in past IPCC reports has been shown to be fraudulent.

    There is also disagreement over what to do about global warming. Economists believe the Kyoto Protocol, the treaty intended to reduce human greenhouse gas emissions, would cost its participants trillions of dollars while having little or not effect on the global climate. Meanwhile, the federal and state governments debate and pass legislation that will be similarly futile.

    Many experts call for adaptation--making small changes to infrastructure and lifestyles to accommodate a slightly warmer world--rather than spend hundreds of billions of dollars trying to reduce emissions. Carbon sequestration could also play a role in responding to climate change.

    All of the supposed catastrophic effects of global warming have been rebutted by scientists, including melting ice, hurricanes, other extreme weather, and extinction of wildlife.

    An increasing number of experts believe the recent warming is due to natural cycles driven by variability in solar radiation.

    Reliable experts on climate change include Patrick Michaels, S. Fred Singer, and Sallie Baliunas. Non-scientists who have rebutted climate alarmism include novelist Michael Crichton and Sen. James Inhofe.

    See sources for good information about global warming.

    I recommend you go to then type in Global Warming in the search.  They have tons of articles and show research on atmospheric temperature readings that support the 1C rise in temps global average.  

    Besides.  The MWP showed that higher temperatures produce more plants, bigger plants, and increase farming lands naturally without irrigation and major engineering costs.

  18. There must be numerous things (solutions) that can be done to get back on the right track if it (global warming) is something that is man made, which apparently it is,  if you believe what NASA scientists say. I'm not a scientist, so I will just have to accept what most of the climate change experts say. Still, there is no refuting the fact that our species is, at the least, a significant contributor to the problem. Here is an interesting anecdote...and an analogy;  Winding 1,560 miles across northern India, from the Himalaya Mountains to the Indian Ocean, the Ganges River is a sacred entity. Known as Ganga Ma—Mother Ganges—the river is revered as a goddess whose purity cleanses the sins of the faithful and aids the dead on their path toward heaven. But while her spiritual purity has remained unchallenged for millennia, her physical purity has deteriorated as India’s booming population imposes an ever-growing burden upon her. The river is now sick with the pollution of human and industrial waste, and water-borne illness is a terrible factor of Indian life.

  19. we can try to prevent it go to this blog it tells you how

  20. Step 1: Recognise that the problem with the Ozone layer (which we've fixed enough that it'll repair itself eventually) is not really related to global warming.

    Step 2: Build a lot of nuclear power plants to replace all fossil fuelled power plants.

    Step 3: Figure out something to replace oil dug out of the ground for transportation fuels with something that won't increase CO2 when burned (or increase food prices and cause famines, biofuels aren't the answer here).

  21. Stop beliving in the religion of AL gore. please tell mr you are all under the age of 21 right......... say it si a myth


  22. There are many diffrent things we all can do to help stop global warming but in truth unless we can come up with some super-icecap-shield it will will always be there. But we need to do what we can by recycling and trying to not use cars and other electric or gas using modes of transportation.

    P.S. If the years keep getting warmer than the last, global warming does exist.

  23. Phase out coal and petroluem.

    Plant more trees to absorb CO2.

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