
What Is Up With my Computer?

by  |  earlier

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When ever i switch my computer on, it always comes up with 'application data'. I don't know why, but it takes forever to load. I can't do or click anything on my computer with out it loading. And sometimes it just doesnt load! What can i do to get rid of it...or if it has something to do with my computer having something wrong with it what is wrong!. I have a windows xp compter.




  1. I Don`t Know, But Do NOT Buy A Mac! They Are Horrid!

  2. Run a virus/spyware scan on it .... try Norton that's what I use.  

  3. Buy a MAC it's cheaper and better in the long run.

  4. You could have System file errors

    Go to C:\ right click go to properties / tools error check click new box will pop up tick small box to fix errors and reboot when windows reboots before it loads it will scan disk and fix any errors then restart this should fix it

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