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What Is Yellow Tongue?
Tags: tongue, yellow
Yellow Tongue is a medical condition which results in the formation of a yellow coating over the tongue due to poor oral hygiene, certain medications, fever, dehydration, and mouth breathing. In nearly all these cases, bacteria are allowed to flourish inside the mouth, which cause pigmentation on the tongue. This can off course be prevented in majority of the cases, simply by sticking to a strict oral hygienic routine. It is not something which should alarm you; there are ways through which you canter this rather benign condition, which can cause your taste buds to swell and make the tongue surface rough. You can simply use the back side of a tooth brush or a scrapper to scrape off this yellow layer. It is pertinent to mention that the use of hydrogen peroxide (in small amounts) to remove the pigments is not necessary.
Report (0) (0) | 11 years, 1 month(s) ago
Yellow tongue is a usually a harmless condition which is produced when bacteria present in the mouth produce pigmentation on the tongue surface and induce a pale colour on it. This gives the tongue a yellow coating which can appear quite intimidating. It is however normally a benign condition and can be treated quite easily. I have myself experienced this medical condition in the past and the one lesson which I have learnt is that prevention is far better and easier in the case. This condition can be prevented by simply by maintaining a good oral hygiene, the first step of which is to brush your teeth twice a day everyday and use mouth wash on a regular basis. This will effectively make it impossible for the bacteria to thrive inside your mouth and thus prevent the condition.
Latest activity: 11 years, 1 month(s) ago. This question has 2 answers.