
What Is Your Favorite Dog Or Cat Breed ??

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  1. German shepard.

  2. blue healers are nice

  3. border collie

  4. ^_^. I'm a huge animal lover, so I love all dogs. Especially shelter mutts, they just look so unique & it's always a mystery figuring out what breeds are in them. /shrug.

  5. Bernese Mountain Dog and American Dingo

  6. IMO cats dont have breeds, humans dont have breeds and cats are better than humans so yeah... all hail cats!  they rule the world!! you and ME!!

  7. My favorite cat is Ragdoll, other than the fact that they shed ALOT, they are loving. My second is Tabby. They love attention. My favorite dog is Black or Chocolate Lab. They are sweet, yet protective. My second is Chihuahua. They are tiny and cute, but they are annoying.

    My Ragdoll-Siamese-Bermese mix, Sassy, sleeps on my face, my grey tabby, Delihlah, sleeps on my tummy with my orange tabby, Satin, and m black lab, Cameron sleeps under my head. He's my pilloooooowwww.

  8. Pug!

  9. Actualy cats do have breeds there siamese cats,stufed tail cats,house cat ...etc. And my fav. Dog breed is toy poodle and rot waller (how ever  you spell it)

  10. I have two Doberman s and a Weimerimer.  I have to hand it to the Germans they are genius breeders. My dogs are obideance trained,trained in tracking, my wiem is a retriever.( Gun dog) They love to have purpose and live with us in our home . They are clowns too. And if some one tried to break in the house they wouldn't even make it to the steps.Dobermans hear EVERYTHING! They pay attention to detail just like the german sheppards. You don't have to teach them to guard they just do. I've never seen anything like it. My next Dog will be a great Dane. Imagine walking that group two Dobes,a wiem, and a Great Dane! I don't think I will be bothered on long walks in the country lol...

  11. I dunno... Persian?

    My cat's a moggy! She's white! :)

  12. I love german shepard'ss and also lhasa apso's. Other small fluffy dogs appeal to me. I also like really fluffy cats, shame im allergic to fur.

  13. I like the bitish long haired cat. they have really nice tempraments and can be very loving.

  14. for dog i like anatolian shepherd and for cat i like american shorthair

    what instrument? if musical instrument i love playing guitar

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