
*What Is Your Most Valuable Item*?s?

by  |  earlier

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  1. my computer 76000 thousand  

  2. i didn't valued something that specially!!  

  3. my family photo"s, especially when my kid"s were babies...

    worth no money, but they are absolutely priceless to me....!

  4. friends

  5. To me,probably my diary & my bed!

  6. my platinum diamond ring  

  7. w/salaam

    my fmaily and friends

    they cant be replaced

    they are irreplacable

  8. My Charmed Collection

  9. My false teeth,lol

    .Me granny can't chew with out em.

  10. My mom.


    Your sister,

    Jee Jee

  11. Most valuable thing is time, but I don't care, I am wasting it very shamlessly!

  12. Nothing in this world is worth value, it will all be gone!

  13. My Religion  

  14. My belief our my Allah SWT

    My belief on ONE ALLAH AND THAT HAZAT MUHAMMAD PBUH is his last prophet

    My Quran pak

    My parents

    My hubby

  15. my car  

  16. jury (my ghetto talk 4 jewellery)

  17. The gold chain which says allahu, given by my Grandma before she passed away. Has to be my most valuable item and the Holy qur'an which gives me guidance.

    Walaikum salam

  18. my beliefs and morals (spiritually)

    (materiallistically) in terms of value: jewellery. in terms of what i value, laptop i guess!

  19. My Laptop !! Bought it for 1600 Quid  !  

  20. Louis viutton bag and chloe bag {{original}} hehe!

    Errrmmm disel jaket...

    All my g-star skinny jeans put together lol..

    Tiffany braclet.>>>LOVE IT<<HEHE! =}

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