
What Is Your Normal School Day Routine For This Year?

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With school just around the corner, 3 kids going to school this year, and a set of triplet babies to get ready, I decided we needed a new routine. Here is mine...long :)

5AM - Hubby wakes me up, puts a cup of coffee by me bed, and leaves for work. I turn the TV on and watch the news while I sip my coffee.

5:30AM - I get out of bed and into the shower.

5:45AM - Bella wakes up and gets ready

6AM - I dry my hair (it is a dry and brush style) and brush it. Then do my make-up (just a little), and get dressed)

6:30AM - I start breakfast

6:45 AM - I change and dress the babies that are up (usually all 3), put them in their highchairs and give them each a bottle.

7AM - Bella eats breakfast and Cami&Aidan wake up and go potty.

7:10 - Aidan and Cami have breakfast and Emmi&Nate have baby cereal.(Gabi doesn't eat solids)

7:25AM - Bella grabs her stuff and stands by the door.

7:30AM - Bella's ride arrives and she heads off to school. The twins finish eating, so do the triplets.

7:40 - C & A head upstairs to get dressed and brush their teeth. They brush their hair, make their beds, and put their dirty clothes in their hamper as well. I clean up the kitchen while the babies swing.

8AM - If the rooms are clean and the backpacks and them are ready, they may watch 10 minutes of educational TV or have 10 minutes of free play.

8:10AM - Structured play (blocks/coloring/etc)

8:20AM - C&A grab a milk box from the fridge and hop in the car with their backpacks. I get the triplets and their bags in the car.

8:30AM - We head out the door.

8:40AM - We arrive at pre-school. As the class mom, I go inside, help with any last minute needs, and I'm on my way by 9, when school starts. If we have any errands or somewhere to go, we do. Otherwise the triplets and I go home and go about our daily routine.


2PM - the triplets and I head out to go get C&A

2:20PM - we get back home. C&A sit down at the table for a snack and small craft, the triplets are usually napping or swinging. I unpack lunch boxes and then go to sit with C&A. We talk about their day and go through their backpacks. All papers and assignments (they go to an advance pre-school, but just simple assignments like read this book) come out. Papers are signed and put back in their take-home folders. Assignments are done and put back in folder. Folder goes back in backpack and backpack goes up in room.

2:45 - Bella gets home and makes herself a snack, gives me papers to sign, and does homework.

3PM - Bella continues with homework and C&A go play. Then we go about our day.

4:30PM - Daddy gets home and I start dinner.

5:30Pm - Dinner is served.

6:30PM - After dinner chores are done and then play time.

7PM - The triplets get bathed and in pajamas, while C&A shower or bathe themselves (hubby checks in on them in the other bathrooms) .

7:30PM - C&A are in jammies. Then we grab their backpacks, make sure all papers and needed things for the next day are in. Bella does the same thing. Backpacks go by the door on hooks. If a jacket is needed that is hung up along with any hats or gloves that may be needed.

7:40PM - While hubby keeps the triplets happy, the other 3 kids and I go into the kitchen. They each pick out a veggie, a fruit, a main entree, a snack, and a little treat. The veggies are washed/cut up and then they put them in bags, same with the fruit. Most snacks are in individually packed, otherwise we put them in plastic bags. The main entree is prepared and put in a container. The treat is gotten ready. Refrigerated things go in the lunchbox/bag and in the fridge. Other things go on the counter. The kids then go to the pantry or fridge and pick a drink. Drink choices usually consist of small Propel, small Gatorade, milk box, juice box, or small bottle of juice. They take a small water bottle and out it in their backpack, then head up to their rooms.

8PM - All kids pick out an outfit for the next day, including shoes and accessories. The outfit is set out by their bed. While C&A brush their teeth, Bella takes the shoes downstairs and puts them by the backpacks.

8:10PM - C&A get a story in C's room, then off to bed for the both of them.

8:20Pm - The triplets get one last bottle, new diapers, and off to bed.

Then, I do any cleaning that needs to be done and Bella, hubby, and I watch TV/talk until 9. Bella then goes to bed. I finish cleaning. Hubby and I are in bed by 10. he goes to sleep and I watch a little TV or read.

What's your schedule? Sorry it's long, I often write way to much! ;)




  1. wow, very detailed.

    haha- but I think yours is good.

    mine; [still working on it, school doesn't till for another 2 weeks]

    7am- wake up.

    7:05am- brush teeth/go to the bathroom/turn straightener on.

    7:10am- get dressed.

    7:20am- brush hair.

    7:25am- start straightening hair.

    7:35am- make up/let straightener reheat.

    7:45am- make sure backpack is ready.

    7:50am- finish hair.

    8:00am- fill water bottle/grab a bagel.

    8:05am- go to school.

    8:15am-3:05pm- in school.

    3:10pm- go home.

    3:15pm- grab a snack.

    3:25pm- [if I work] get ready for work.. [if not] watch tv.

    4:00pm- [if I work] im at work... [if not] start homework.

    6:00pm- [if I don't work] probably.. dinner?

    9:00pm- hit the gym.

    10:30pm- shower.

    11:00pm- GOODNIGHT! ;]

  2. 5:00-Me and Hubby wake up

    5:00-5:30-Cook breakfast for two of us

    5:30-5:50-Eat breakfast

    5:55-Husband Leaves for work

    6:00-I take shower, Get Dressed

    6:30-Watch T.V, drink coffee.

    7:00-11 year old twins wake up.

    7:15-7:30-Twins Eat breakfast

    7:35-7:50-Twins take turns in showers

    7:55-Twins put shoes on, comb hair

    8:00-Grab backpacks, Walk to busstop

    8:30-2 year old & 3 week old wake up

    8:35-8:50-2 year old & 3 week old eat breakfast

    8:55-Drop 2 year old off at Playgroup

    9:00- 3 week old in bath

    9:30- 3 week old plays with toys, watches T.V

    10:00-Go grocery shopping

    11:00-3 week old takes nap

    12:00- Pick up 2 year old up from Playgroup

    12:30-Give 2 year old & 3 week old lunch

    12:55-2 year old takes nap

    1:00- I make myself lunch.

    1:30- 2 year old usually wakes up

    1:45- 2 year old plays, watches T.V

    1:55-I relax, watch T.V

    2:00-Husband Returns From work

    2:15- Make husband Lunch

    2:35-Twins return from school

    2:45-2:55- Twins eat snack

    3:00-Whatever time depending on amount-Twins do homework

    6:00-Dinner Time

    6:30-We all watch T.V

    7:00-Twins Relax, Go on computer

    8:00-2 year old & 3 wk old in bed

    9:00-Twins eat snack

    9:30-Twins in bed

    10:00-Give 3 week old a bottle

    10:15-2 year old wakes up, She's hungry

    10:20-10:30-Give 2 year old crackers/goldfish

    10:35-2 year old goes potty,returns to bed

    10:45-I pack lunches for twins, or get milk money for them

    10:55-I make myself snack

    11:00-Husband Goes back to work

    11:05- I go to bed

    And i just keep going..and going.

    And it goes over and over for the school year,luckily, it didnt start yet :)

  3. Wow, you have a lot of kids!

    6:15 ish-older bro Harrison gets up, showers, and drives to school by 7. Dad gets up at 5:45 and Mom gets up at 6 or so.

    7:00- I get up, get ready, and leave at 7:45.

    School all day!

    3ish- Harrison drives home from school.

    4:15- I get home from school.

    I relax for awhile and do homework whenever I fell like it.


    Then just whatever, I go to bed between 10-11. I'm 13 BTW.

    haha, pretty loose...

  4. Holy moly! Well I don't feel like typing that much but here's the basic run down:

    6:45: wake up, pack her lunch, feed the dog, dress myself

    7:00: wake her up, give her her outfit, get her breakfast

    7:10: while she's eating; put make up hair...make sure everything's in my purse that I need

    7:25: pack my lunch, do her hair, remind her to get her shoes on (lol)

    7:35 leave house...

    7:45 drop her off at camp

    8:30 arrive at work

    4:30 leave work...sit in traffic for an hour

    5:30 home...change into comfy clothes, make dinner

    6:00 eat dinner

    6:15 clean up dishes; kitchen etc..

    7:00 put her in her room; give her pajamas...she puts a movie on

    8:30 movie over, tuck her in, etc

    8:35 she calls me for something

    8:42 she calls me for something

    8:44 she calls me for something

    you get the point...haha

    9:00 peace and quiet, and i'm exhausted - go to bed and do it all again tomorrow!

    Weekends: LAUNDRY LOL  

  5. wow that's alot of kids i cant handel my 3 cousinss

    6:55wake up

    7:00 eat breakfast

    7:15 get dressed

    7:1brushh teeth wash face,shower etc&;

    7:20 help little sister bush hair and teeth

    8:00get every thing together

    8:10walk to school with my friends



    4:00 chores

    4:30free time

    6:00 dinner

    7:00help mom get my baby brother into bed

    8:00help mom get my baby sister into bed

    9:00get ready for bed


    by 10:00 im sleeping (not a night owl)

  6. 5:30 AM - Wake up.

    5:30-6:00 AM - Shower (I take long showers!)

    6:00-7:00 AM - Do hair, makeup, and choose outfit.

    7:00-8:00 AM - I meet up with my friends, and go to Starbucks and get some coffee and something to eat.

    8:00-8:30 - Driven to school.

    8:30 - 9:00 - Hang out with my friends before school begins.

    9:00 AM - School begins.

    4:00 PM - School ends.

    4:00-4:30 - Homework/Studying. It doesn't take me long to complete all my homework

    4:30 PM - Usually go out or something.

    6:30 PM - Dinner is served.

    7:00 PM - 7:30 PM - Shower And get ready for tommorrow (set out stuff, etc)

    7:30 PM - 9:00 PM - Talk on the phone or play on the computer.

    9:00 PM - Bed.

    This is just basically what happens everyday. I could go into more detail, but it often changes. My friends and I go to the beach a lot and I eat dinner at their house, every now and again. And I spend the night with them practically all weekend and occasionally a school night.

  7. Wow...seeing some of the other routines posted....I feel lucky not to have to start as early as some!!  Here's mine (3 kids):

    630am - hubby and I get up, have a shower, sip coffee and watch the news (we like this little mini routine of ours because it is often the only quiet time we will have together all day!)

    700am - get our daughter up and into the shower and dressed, get the boys up so they can get dressed

    730am -  hubby leaves and takes the boys to school on his way to work

    800am - i finish getting our daughters hair done and watch the golden girls lol i love that show

    830am - walk our daughter to the bus stop

    then do all my chores/shopping/errands whatever I need to get done, go to work some days (i only work part time)

    400pm get the boys from school

    430pm the boys and i then wait for our daughter to get off the bus, then the kids have an afternoon snack and play outside or in their rooms until dinner, do homework if they have any

    600pm dinner and clean up

    700pm the boys have their showers

    800pm start puttin everyone to bed, usually takes at least 30 minutes for everyone to quit makin up excuses to get up (drink, potty lol)

  8. 5:55am me and my husband get up he starts the coffee machine and gets in the shower i wach tv util hes done

    6:00 i take shower and get ready

    6:10 pack luches ,watch tv to relax

    6:12 my oldest(Demi) gets up

    6:17 demi gets in the shower

    6:25 my other daugther(Alissa) wakes up Demi gets out of the shower\

    6:28Alissa gets in the shower the twins(kevin and natalie) get up

    6:38 Alissa get out of the shower i start brekfast

    6:40 noah gets up we eat breakfast i feed the twins a bottle

    6:55 i help noah get ready change the twins dipers demi and Alissa brush theeeth

    8;10 i drive Demi,Alissa ans noah to school

    8;20 the twins play im on the computer(i work from home)

    9;00 i take a break from work make bottels and feedc the babies

    10:00 i working wahlie twins play (or i go to the grosries store)

    11:00 i clean the house

    12:00 i pick up noah from school i make lunch

    12:10 i clean out his back pack twins take a nap while noah plays or does  home work

    2:00twins will normally wake up  (sometimes ill take them to the park colse by )

    3:00 i go to pick up Demi and Alissa

    3:20 alissa and demi do homwork husband gets home from work

    4:00 freetime

    5:25 i start dinner

    6:00 we eat dinner

    7:00 i lay kevin down to go to sleep (natalie is a night owl)

    7;30 me and my husband try to get noah to sleep

    8:00  alissa goes to sleep

    9:00 me demi my husband and natalie watch tv

    9:10 natalie falls asleep demi goes to bed

    i do every thing that needs to be done then go to bed

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