
What Is Your Opinion On Technology?

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What Is Your Opinion On Technology?




  1. Technology's purpose was to improve the human efficiency. I mean look at computers, cars, trains, planes, etc. The most ironic thing about this is that as the humans become more efficient their goals of speed also increase! So therefore the technology created soon needs to be updated. Technology is a field that cannot end or else it faces its own destruction.

  2. Technology gives us water resistant Kleenex.

    Technology gives us cheap digital cameras.

    Technology gives us great movies like Titanic.

    Technology gives us weapons of mass destruction.

  3. Technology is vital to human life - always has been, always will.  Even primative cavemen had some technology that was necessary to sustain life, e.g. simple tools, spears, and the ability to use fire.  As man's technology has advanced, so has the quality of life, and even the length of people's lives.  True, there are some negative side effects to a lot of technology, but then we develop even more technology to address such issues.

  4. It helps me be lazy, but I have to work to take advantage of it.  Hmmmm......  I'll have to let you know after I ponder...

  5. I think it's the bee's knees.

  6. I agree with Napolean Dynomite's brother:  

    I love technology, not as much as you, you see.

    That was sung at his wedding to LaFonda.

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