
What Is Your Parenting Passion..?

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The one thing that has you debating all night long, the one thing that has your blood boiling.

And don't you lie to me - I know everyone has one!!

Mine is when people complain about everyone else's parenting, and/or children bar their own. Like they are blinded by there own perfection or something. lol - Oh and when they try and diagnose children with no training to do so.

Another one, is people putting things in their children's ears.

Oh I can feel the blood boiling now ;)

And don't turn my question into a wrestling arena :D




  1. People who overtly favor one child over the other. And I do complain about it (sorry to make your blood boil) but when I think about the damage being done to the child who is left out, never praised, and frequently pushed aside in favor of the other child, I have no choice but to speak in defense of the child.....and unfortunately it does no good.

    Also, People who are divorced or unmarried bringing their current flings around their children. Not long term relationships...but just someone they hooked up with or someone they have known for less than 2 weeks time. I think it is disturbing to show your children this type of behavior.

  2. Charli . . . . . I just answered the leash question.

    I don't know what it is with these questions but I get REALLY p/o.

    She was trying to debate they were for safety reasons . . . . Pardon???!!!

    I need not go on without giving myself cardiac arrest.

  3. I'm not a parent but I agree with the first poster because I am actually the "unfavored" child in a way. My dad likes my sister more (and outwardly shows it) and I am sometimes punished for what she does and am constantly left out of their little group.

  4. Irks me profoundly when people think their child, or a particular parenting 'philosophy' is the be all end all of parenting. They utterly neglect to respect the individuality of both children and parents and assume of it works for their child it will work for all. Also the mothers (especially) who feel the need to degrade and insult mothers who do things differently- IE the BF/bottle debate- degrading another mother does not ever help a child.

    Oh, and I do think children should look well-tended. Not bothering to wipe a child's face before going out makes me wonder if they are noticed and well-loved every time I see one. (ever see the kid with snot running down his face and eyes drooping while mom stands by chattering away? That one.)

    Charli, what do you mean by 'sticking things in their ears'?

    Like hamsters and such,lol??!

    What would one stick in their baby's ear ??

  5. the parents who give there babies food in a bottle(ie: too young for anything but milk and formula)

    Yes i guess it falls on picking on other parents parenting but this is the health and safety of the baby.

    And parents that have sick kids and want to know what is wrong with them by asking people on here rather than taking there kids to the doc. We are not doctors and we can't see your child.

    Friends who have kids off school for a week from school sick but don't take their kids to the doctor or worse, self prescribe adult medication for them.

    Okay I have finished my rant now lol

  6. I dislike parents who teach their child to be inconsiderate, i.e. cutting in lines, rude language, making demands, etc etc.  

  7. What cheeses me off?


    What cheeses me off is parents and do gooders who think that spanking a child will turn the child into some sort of monster.

    Back 30 years ago, when i was a kid, this wasn't even an issue!!

    But today if you as much as touch your child, welfare come knocking at the door.

    All the people my age and older knew while we were growing up, that their were rules and lines that you don't cross.  A smack on the bum, the egg-flip, or a size 10 blundstone up the bum, would keep us in line

    And NOT ONE of us turned into DR Frankenstein.

    Kids today however, think they can get away with Murder, BECAUSE THEY DO!

    I see so many people who say that the teenagers of today are getting into more trouble, more disrespectful, getting pregnant younger, etc etc while in the same breath saying that its not the parents who are to blame- and that smacking is wrong.


    Proverbs 13:24

    "He who spares the rod, HATES his Son

    But he who loves him is care-full to discipline him"

  8. People who disregard all the psychological and sociological evidence that spanking children is not the best approach to parenting, and indeed can actually produce negative clandestine behaviors.  

  9. I will brace myself for the thumbs down!

    My parenting passion and the thing that makes my blood totally boil is parents who spank their child because they are crying and then somehow expect that they will then stop!

    I am an anti-spanker and am very passionate about it - although I do realise that many parents spank and are NOT lazy or uncaring but just use this as their method and although I don't agree with it, I try not to judge.

    But I have seen many many times a toddler crying in a shop or somewhere and the parent spank them for crying and tell them to stop crying or they will get another one. Der!!!!!!

    All I know is that logic tells me that if I were hit I would cry too!

  10. If you build a wrestling arena, you have to expect wrestlers to show up.

    I could argue passionately all night about the following topics:



    staying at home vs. daycare

    homeschooling vs. public/private school

    parenting pills like Adderall and Ritalin

    I'll leave you all to guess which side I'm on, it's more fun that way.

  11. From my background I am very sensitive and get very angry with any type of abuse. When the child is disregarded and treated like an 'almost person' and there feelings in the now are not important. I also feel upset at people spanking and yelling and when kids are made fun of. These things strike a nerve with me based on my past. Pretty much any emotional abuse

  12. People in denial about their kids behavior. Lately, this is seriously something that truly makes my blood boil. I can be a big enough person to admit if my child has said or done something hurtful but why oh why do some parents insist their little angel would never ever in a million years be rude to me (an adult!) or my kids (just to be hurtful!)?

    I can't even stand having to tell other parents "Look, your daughter has been really hurtful lately and disrespectful to me, as well" They look at me like I grew an extra head.  

  13. When the baby of the family gets favored and get absolutely ANYTHING they want no matter how much it is, and we're talking into the thousands, and to fully get it, they end up s******g up someone elses plans because someone else has to take them somewhere. Also, when parents just act like their kids aren't worth anything, and s***w them over to where the kid ends up suffering for the rest of their lives because of the parents EXTREMELY selfish ways. If killing was legal, there would definitely be blood on my hands.

  14. Home Schooling - we home school our daughter who is 11 years old and the majority of people know nothing about it, yet they have really strong opinions.

    We belong to home school groups who meet weekly, where she learns so many things from Archery, Cooking, Chess and Karate.

    My daughter studies Engineering, Genetics and Computer studies every month at the University near here with another home school group of 15 - 20 kids.

    She is an active Girl Guide, loves Camping, sings in a 4-part harmony Choir and also a Christian Choir in our community, she is on a Soccer team, learns Highland and Irish Dancing, and has Voice and Piano lessons.

    She has been a volunteer in our community since she was 2 years old and we deliver Meals-on-Wheels weekly to Seniors and disabled people.

    When people see us out during the day, I hear comments such as "It's nice that she get's out now and again" as if I keep her locked in the basement doing school work!

    Last year we went to Europe for a month and spent time in England and also a few days in Norway studying the Vikings, this fall we are planning to go to England and also spend a little time in Italy.

    She tells me that this year she wants to study Ancient China and Greece (because of the Olympic Games) and Explorers in the past such as Vasco da Gama, Magellen, Marco Polo, Bartholomew Dias, so all I need to do is organize a trip to the library and she will select the books and study them.

    HOME schooling does not mean that the child is kept in the home, it means that the home is the base for Child-led learning!

  15. People who hit/spank their children.  You wouldn't hit an adult if they annoyed you, so why do it to a child?

    BigSky - leashes/harnesses are good.  I lost my son in a crowd when he was a toddler - took my eyes off him for a split second and he vanished.  Luckily, I found him again, but those few minutes of blind panic were the worst moments of my life.  If I'd had a harness on him, it wouldn't have happened.

  16. What makes my blood boil?

    When parents have children -a nd then think they still have a party life. Their children come second to them in every aspect, its quite sickening. Unfortunately i have a sister in law at the moment who falls under this category. My poor nephews are going without things that they shouldn't because of their parents complete and utter selfishness.

    Another one, i hate when kids are out and about with out shoes and socks on (or not dressed appropriately) - especially in the colder months. It takes all my strength not to say something.

  17. What makes my blood boil:

    Parents who let their children leave the table without eating what they have made them, and then 15 minutes later are giving them candy/treats.

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