
What Is better? Single Engine Plane or Twin Engine Plane?

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These are Propeller Planes

Please Give the distince it can go on a full tank

Please Give The Top Speed

Please Give how high it can go




  1. It really depends on what you want to do with the palne, though the basic rundown of the pros and cons work like this:

    Single engine:  Con: Lower cruse speeds when compared to multis using the same engines. Pro:  Cheaper to opeate by far in terms of buying fuel and engine maintenance.  Multi-engine:  Pro: Tend to cruse faster than a single engine with the same kind of engine.  Con:  They require somewhat more training to be flown safley.

    For normally-aspirated (not turbocharged) airplanes, the multi will not reach significantly higher altitudes than a comprable single.

  2. This question is not answerable without knowing your mission.

  3. There are lots of planes of both types.

    In general:

    Twins have better range, fly faster, go higher.

    Singles are more economical and easier to fly.

    If you're paying for it, ...... the single wins!

  4. The performance figures you're asking about are unique to each make/model, not just single or twin in general, just as range and top speed for two cars can't be determined based just on both having a V-6 engine. However, twins can do more of just about everything than singles can, just as V-12 engines for the most part can do more than V-6's

    For kicks...


    Range on full tanks: Far enough to make your bank account wish you wouldn't find your way home.

    Top speed: Faster than you can swipe your credit card and start punching zeros.

    Max Altitude: [credit limit] x 1.3

    (Pardon me if that was lame, it's getting late)

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