
What Is wrong with Blogbaba??

by  |  earlier

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He is usually my favorite answerer, and I agree with him most of the time, but it seems like he is going crazy with all those Mike Tyson Questions.

Is he sending and Indiscreet message to all those people who keep Posting and Posting


Or he Just Hates Mike Tyson with all his heart?




  1. his starting too annoy me because his really against islam.

  2. ''Tyson Groupies'' have infested this forum as of late and ask insane questions, give absurd answers, and argue with anyone who disagrees with them!

    From what I know of Blogbaba he doesn't hate anyone. Much like myself he must be annoyed at the stupidity of the Groupies. I posted a question about Tyson and a troll had it pulled for no reason. I have since reposted it.

    Looking at Blogs questions I have given myself a headache laughing!! And it sure beats Kimbo Slice vs. God or ''How do I crush a skull'' questions.

    Some of us here in answers take our knowledge serious and love our sport, while others are keyboard Rambos who rip and shred others for no reason. He is sending a message that I hope the Trolls will get.

  3. I remember he said that he has 5 daughters. A family man with 5 daughters certainly has a good reason to hate rapist. But I wish he won't ask too many irrelevant questions about Mike Tyson, it won't help, it only hurt his image.

  4. Blogbaba is one of my favorite answerers too. I just think he is just blowing off some steam because he is pissed at the people that think Mike Tyson was the greatest. I feel him. He is just cooling off. He will be all right. At least i know he wont go the level of disrespect the Hebrew Mauler has displayed in the past.

  5. Mike Tyson

  6. Wow! It seems that I've missed a lot in my three day absence from this site. I hope everything is cool now.

  7. Actually I got pissed when some troll deleted a question ACEMAN posted, so I decided to give them something else to delete.  I got no real beef with Mike Tyson, but it does get tiresome seeing the constant comparison's between Mike and the historically significant heavyweight champions.  Mike was a good boxer, not a great one.  I have no respect for rapists, and consider mugging old ladies after I carry their grocery bags to their cars for them in poor taste, but life is tough sometimes people make mistakes.  Others may admire such behavior or ever make excuses for it, I however cannot.  How a champion behaves outside the ring shapes his or her legacy as much as their record.  We are all responsible for our own actions.

    As for the Islam thing,  I don't have a problem stating that Christianity doesn't consider Mohamed accurate in his preaching.  There is no "hate" involved, just a compassionate and respectful rebuke.

    I grew up in a predominately Arab, Islamic neighbor hood, and have had phone calls from Lebanon, Yemen, Jordon and the like to my home phone from friends who were trapped in Beirut during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon last year.  I called our (yeah the U.S. still has an embassy in Syria) Embassy in Damascus to help ease passage out of Lebanon for my friend and his wife and child.   Believe me Homeland Security is reading this right along with you, but it's cool I'm prior service and they know where my loyalties are.

    I am a Christian, which means that I believe Islam is wrong.  That doesn't mean I am a racist or a bigot, it just means that I think the tax my doctor pays in Syria to allow her family to practice Christianity is a part of Sharia that I disagree with.  There are lots of other aspects of Islam that I disagree with.  Nobody is perfect, but there is a reason "murder" and "martyr" sound the same, the words are more that just similar they are identical.

    My opinion on organized religion of any kind is less than positive, but realistically Islam does have a some what violent nature.  I still get pissed over the Iranian hostage crisis that interrupted the broad casts of the U.S. Olympic hockey team's Miracle on Ice back at Lake Placid against the Russians.  

    You cannot reason with unreasonable people, so I don't try.

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