
What Italian city should I live in?

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I'm going on foreign exchange and my top choices are:




I want a big city really, but still great food and a lot of history and italian culture.

I want to pick Milan, but I want the people to be friendly, and I hear there snoody up there. And I don't know about the food in Milan either, it's all growse beef and veal - what happened to the pasta?




  1. I quote Dario87!

    I suggest Turin too!!!!!

  2. Florence, for sure: Milan has not much arts and history inside (it's mostly an industrial city), Turin it's better, but it isn't that big and it can't be compare to Florence for historical and cultural items.... and then food is wonderful!!!

    Ah, another great thing is that Florence is at only 1:30 h from the beautiful tirrenian coast by train!!!! (i can tell you, i live in Leghorn- and i've just come back from the beach, at the moment...! eheheh-!!!!)

    bye bye, kisses!!

  3. Florence

  4. ok, u r lookin 4 a big city with friendly people... (food is wonderful everywhere).

    Best are Roma or Firenze (Rome or Florence).

    Milano is bigger, but people r really less friendly. florence is smaller than rome, but amazing, i would choose it, although Rome is amazing too, but bigger and more confusing.

    (in Milan there's pasta of course, how couldnt??)

    go to Florence, that's the best (it's the favorite city of Italians)

  5. I live in Turin, i'm italian...

    well, Torino is a big city, full of opportunitis, people are warm and friendly... in milan too, i know that city wìvery well, it's a bit richer than Torino, so, maybe you can find more arrogant people, but well, at the end every italian is warm and friendly, so, yuo won't have any kind of problem about that...

    About food, it's much better in turin... yeah... believe me..

    And well, Milan is a more metropolitan city, so, maybe it can be as New York for example, full of Traffic exc exc..

    While Turin is more quiet... but we'll, they're both two nice cities... have fun!


    ah well, if yuo want to see a video about turin.. look at this :

  6. ROME.

  7. Milano would be my last pick.

    I have never been to Turino, but it's got a lot of mountains. So if your into skiing or snow sports then that would be a good place for you. I have been to Florence and that is where I would go. It's right in the middle of Tuscany. Great food, great wine, and very beautiful there!

  8. Florence is the best.  I lived near Pisa for almost four years and went to Florence every chance I got.

  9. I'd take Florence out of your three choices - history, art, architecture, food, and it's centrally located so it will be easy to get to other placs of interest. Torino would be my second choice. There are good foods in Milan; for example, Risotto Milanese.

  10. I live in Genoa, North of Italy on the sea...I suggest the Riviera Ligure and above all "Le cinque terre" (the five terras)...very beautiful and very expensive!

    Milano no!...without the sea, a lot of smog and the milanesi not are very nice...

    Roma is another fantastic place to live...but very caotic!

  11. Of the three you offered I would choose Florence. But it is one of my favourite world cities.

    After all what's not to love about Tuscany.

  12. Hi, i live in florence and this is the best italian city for me...

  13. Well i think Italy is only well-livieble in the north so i suggest , siena, florence , perugia but other cities in the south and in the centre are not well-lievieble in my opinion!

  14. Rome: I have the same feeling of cultural, historical abundance and plenitude

    Liguria is better known as the Italian Riviera; one of the most desired locations in Italia

    Historical centre of Milan. has many

    I bet for Rome..

  15. Hi i'm italian!!..I suggest you Florence.

    Florence and Rome are the most beautiful cities of Italy :)

  16. Milan.

    Any city in Italy will have great food, history, and culture. And every place will have snooty and friendly folks. If you're looking for a big, bustling city, go for Milan. Plus, it's a more convenient place to travel to and from since it has one of the biggest international airports.

    Rome is not in your choices, but that would be my first choice for a big city with lots of history (and AMAZING food).

    Florence is beautiful, but it is NOT a big city - it's a very small and cozy place. You could walk from one end of the Centro to the other in 40 minutes.

    And Torino is a big city, but not too interesting to live in. (So I've heard).

  17. If I were in your shoes  I would not go to Turin. It's an industrial city, not much to do and see.  


    + It's with Rome the only big city that Italy has, which means you can never get bored, there are a lot of discos, clubs, theatres and everything you expect to find in a really big city.

    - From the hisotical and cultural point of view, it is not as good as Rome, Florence and Venice.


    +  It's the city of art par execllence. If you want a lot of history and Italian culture that is the place to go.

    - Not a big city, you could get bored if you stay there too long.

    My advice is: go to Florece if you're staying there few weeks, go to Milan if you're staying longer.

    P.S. The food is great everywhere in Italy.

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