
What Italians think about the "Sopranos"?

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I know that mafios are not Heroe in Italy. For the old generation, they don't worth much than the Facist who put blood in all regions of Italy.

But what do you think of the serie.I have an Italian women friend, she is 100% Italian but born in brazil. She really think American give too much good image to mafiosi. Her father was victim of a local Italian mafia famil during the 1960s and she don't understand why they are an icone of modern american culture




  1. We dont' are "mafiosi"

    We don't always eat spaghetti

    NOOOOONE in Italy plays mandolino

    All the world eat pizza

    We are not saints poets and navigators

    It's time to consider Italy as the other civilized countryes, mafia is a social plague as in the USA murders.... Soprano is funny, but it's something completely external from our culture....Mafia is a social plague, but we enjoy the mafia films the goodfellas, il padrino...

  2. I watched the show frequently when it was new but as the series progressed I found it to be too violent and crude.  I was born in Sicily but have been in the US for many years.  I never once thought I was an accurate portrayal of Italians.  It was a television show.  My heritage is much more than a bunch of wannabe thugs.  It is culture rich in history and tradition and one television show is not indicative of how the majority of Italians are.  That being said, I have to disagree with the post that describes the characters acting the same way Sicilians act.  My friend, the character of Tony Soprano was Neapolitan, not Sicilian.

  3. I'm Italian and as an Italian I hate mafiosos.However the Americans are free to watch to these programs.I just can say that is really boring.When I watch to the Soprano I think:Who are they?Italians?No, they're pure Americans who play the Italians.Pathetic but funny.

  4. Have not acknowledge of mafia life and traditions, but I doubt real mafiosi go out and describe their own businesses.

    Second shame on the authors, producers and actors because for their own greed and self enhancement created  embarrassments to millions of families and hardworking people.

    I watched few episodes and don't recognized the vast majority of Italians in that trash.

    It has to be reminded there are 58 million Italians living in the old country and of Italian descent between 55 to 60 millions around the world.

    The mafia organized groups count between 4000 to 5000 members according the Italian police.

  5. Don't know if you can see that show in Italy on national TV... but can tell you that the film industry has done a disservice to Italians by portraying them as Mafiosi.

  6. i think the sopranos is a disgrace and humiliating! I only saw one episode and wanted to vomit!

  7. well it's hugely inaccurate, but i think it's extremely entertaining!!!!!!

    the sopranos romanticizes the mafia image, as do hundreds of movies and shows.  (some of which are made in italy).  Producers and writers can't help but cash in on the world wide fascination with organized crime.  it's exciting, taboo, and different.

    anyways, i'm not offended by the soprano's, but it bothers me that people don't realize that mafia's are not lovable.

  8. where are you from?

    what kind of movie do you refear to?

    I never heard mafia is an american icon of the modern culture..

    maybe you refear to al capone, or bonnie and clide, but i think is really different.

    The first of them is an icon against the prohibitionism of that period, when laws was agains everything and only with the black commerce you could have some freedom from the pressure of militarism

    the second are two person that tried to live free form the pressure of the state too, but they never belong to mafia.

    Is a difficoult tale to tell you now, because of my terrible english too, but in that period in the usa there was really a hot-iced weather between cops and population, so the criminals become an icon of the freedom, from the chains of a 'beautifull people' governement

    but i think mafia is not a good icon now, in the way you mean, because many americans are been killed  by them and they also known what been amafious really mean.

    Hope this could be clear and you can understand what i mean



    mm... i now understand you was refferring to a series movie..

    sorry but i'm too tired to delete


  9. As an American I have to say I love watching the Sopranos.  But I recognize it as entertainment.  I have also travelled to Italy, and don't really associate the two.  First, Italian Americans are very different than Italians.  Second, crime in any country is the same.  In the US we recognize the Russian "mafia", Irish "mafia", and the middle easterners we call "jihad".  It's a stereotype that is negative, but still fun to watch.  Has anyone asked this question to the Irish about Brotherhood?  A good show, depicting the crime life of Irish Americans.  Or The Wire depicting the crime life of African Americans in Baltimore.  

    If people are going to take offense to entertainment, out world of arts will be nil and void.  Today people pay millions for a piece of Michaelangelo's work, but it always wasn't like this.  It's time to keep in perspective that it is art and entertainment, and just enjoy it.  It's not like people are acting in black face anymore.

  10. The show is aired in Italy, three way (free to air, terrestrial pay-tv, satellite pay-tv) although for decent schedule pay-tv is needed.

    As for your main point, I just say this: on movies and tv series produced in Italy, mafia is *never* seen in "romantic" way as done is America; in Italy mafiosi are portrayed as plain criminal, no way as iconic people.

    The most popular tv series on this matter is "La Piovra" (distributed in all the world *except* the US), while some recent movies due for teathrical relase are "I Cento Passi", "La Scorta", "Milano Palermo Solo Andata" which are good examples of how mafia is saw in Italy. Most movie (both for tv and teathre) are focused on the murderer of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino.

    An higly succesfull tv movie was also "Ultimo", the true story of the seizure of alleged mafia boss Totò Riina.

    Furthermore, I also see that shows made in Countries other than Italy or the US just portray mafiosi as plain criminal as well. Perhaps Italinas can comply about the way they are portrayed but at least mafia is just bad.

    So, the one you describe seems to be an all American view...

  11. i'm italian i live in italy

    i don't know exactly as are the italian american, but i'm sure that they were to bring mafia in north america,

    but, i think that you americans are not very cultured because you based everything about stereotypes and generalizations

  12. I live in Italy and the mafios is still here and its really here in Naples. Everything is controled by them even the trash that is why there is such a problem with the trash right now. The thing is it is a under lining rule that you dont talk about them when you are out and if you do you are just asking for trouble if someone hears you. The Sopranos gives the wrong impression of them its not what they are like at all, but if they were to model any italians it would be the italians that live in Silicy.

  13. i don't like the sopranos very much,  not because they are mafios... but because i think  it's boring...

    it's simply a tv serie, i don't think we should be offended by this.. of course americans can't think that italians are 57 millions of sopranos!

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