
What Jew contributed the most to humanity in the last 1000 years?

by Guest44869  |  earlier

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I am just curious what people think - I would give some possible examples as Einstein, Freud, and Spinoza. You can choose from one of these people or someone I didn't mention. I am just curious, but best answer wins - regardless of who you choose.

Good Luck!!!




  1. I don't mean this to be a flip answer, but the most influential Jew in world history was Jesus of Nazareth.  

    There is no other Jew who comes even close to the influence  of Jesus on world history.

  2. Einstein, Freud, and Spinoza, never make miracle like Jesus,

  3. Jesus, we all purposely said his name and we don't care about 10 points.

  4. You know, i think its funny that the n**i's claimed that Jews have never done anything productive for society, what a lie!

    Oh, and more famous Jews:

    go to this link:

  5. Freud

  6. Maimonides, aka. the RAMBAM.  He codified all of Jewish law in his treatise the Mishneh Torah.

  7. My vote is

    "Im tirzu, ein zoh aggadah...If you will it, it is no dream." (Theodor Herzl 1902)

    He paved the path back to Jerusalem.  Without his efforts nothing of the last 100 years would be possible.  During this time, Israel made more contributions to mankind than the millenium before it.

  8. Levi Strauss and any Jewish person that don't practice plagiarism.

  9. Albert Einstein.

  10. It is a tough one. It's the matter of personal opinion, but it is certainly between Jesus, Einstein, and Carl Marx.

  11. Jesus. Our savior. No disputing that.

  12. I believe Jesus.

    Note; i usually get flagged for my comments on Zionism!!

    I always try to keep it ''''fair $ square'''' and do not believe in  ''LOOKING GOOD'' also ''hypocrisy''!!!

    Surely, many statements+ Que.'s

    get deleted by ''intolerant individuals''

    who do not believe in free speech

    and the TRUTH!


  13. technology

  14. I would have to agree and say Einstein or any of the following


    1910 - Paul Heyse

    1927 - Henri Bergson

    1958 - Boris Pasternak

    1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon

    1966 - Nelly Sachs

    1976 - Saul Bellow

    1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer

    1981 - Elias Canetti

    1987 - Joseph Brodsky

    1991 - Nadine Gordimer


    1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer

    1906 - Henri Moissan

    1910 - Otto Wallach

    1915 - Richard Willstaetter

    1918 - Fritz Haber

    1943 - George Charles de Hevesy

    1961 - Melvin Calvin

    1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz

    1972 - William Howard Stein

    1977 - Ilya Prigogine

    1979 - Herbert Charles Brown

    1980 - Paul Berg

    1980 - Walter Gilbert

    1981 - Roald Hoffmann

    1982 - Aaron Klug

    1985 - Albert A. Hauptman

    1985 - Jerome Karle

    1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach

    1988 - Robert Huber

    1989 - Sidney Altman

    1992 - Rudolph Marcus

    2000 - Alan J. Heeger


    1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson

    1971 - Simon Kuznets

    1972 - Kenneth Joseph Arrow

    1975 - Leonid Kantorovich

    1976 - Milton Friedman

    1978 - Herbert A. Simon

    1980 - Lawrence Robert Klein

    1985 - Franco Modigliani

    1987 - Robert M. Solow

    1990 - Harry Markowitz

    1990 - Merton Miller

    1992 - Gary Becker

    1993 - Rober Fogel

    1994 - Harsanyi, John C.

    2001 - Stiglitz, Joseph E.

    2001 - Akerlof, George A.

    2002 - Kahneman, Daniel


    1908 - Elie Metchnikoff

    1908 - Paul Erlich

    1914 - Robert Barany

    1922 - Otto Meyerhof

    1930 - Karl Landsteiner

    1931 - Otto Warburg

    1936 - Otto Loewi

    1944 - Joseph Erlanger

    1944 - Herbert Spencer Gasser

    1945 - Ernst Boris Chain

    1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller

    1950 - Tadeus Reichstein

    1952 - Selman Abraham Waksman

    1953 - Hans Krebs

    1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann

    1958 - Joshua Lederberg

    1959 - Arthur Kornberg

    1964 - Konrad Bloch

    1965 - Francois Jacob

    1965 - Andre Lwoff

    1967 - George Wald

    1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg

    1969 - Salvador Luria

    1970 - Julius Axelrod

    1970 - Sir Bernard Katz

    1972 - Gerald Maurice Edelman

    1975 - David Baltimore

    1975 - Howard Martin Temin

    1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg

    1977 - Rosalyn Sussman Yalow

    1978 - Daniel Nathans

    1980 - Baruj Benacerraf

    1984 - Cesar Milstein

    1985 - Michael Stuart Brown

    1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein

    1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]

    1988 - Gertrude Elion

    1989 - Harold Varmus

    1991 - Erwin Neher

    1991 - Bert Sakmann

    1993 - Richard J. Roberts

    1993 - Phillip Sharp

    1994 - Alfred Gilman

    1995 - Edward B. Lewis

    1997 - Prusiner, Stanley B.

    1998 - Furchgott, Robert F.

    2000 - Kandel, Eric R.

    2000 - Greengard, Paul


    1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson

    1908 - Gabriel Lippmann

    1921 - Albert Einstein

    1922 - Niels Bohr

    1925 - James Franck

    1925 - Gustav Hertz

    1943 - Gustav Stern

    1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi

    1952 - Felix Bloch

    1954 - Max Born

    1958 - Igor Tamm

    1959 - Emilio Segre

    1960 - Donald A. Glaser

    1961 - Robert Hofstadter

    1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau

    1965 - Richard Phillips Feynman

    1965 - Julian Schwinger

    1969 - Murray Gell-Mann

    1971 - Dennis Gabor

    1973 - Brian David Josephson

    1975 - Benjamin Mottleson

    1976 - Burton Richter

    1978 - Arno Allan Penzias

    1978 - Peter L Kapitza

    1979 - Stephen Weinberg

    1979 - Sheldon Glashow

    1988 - Leon Lederman

    1988 - Melvin Schwartz

    1988 - Jack Steinberger

    1990 - Jerome Friedman

    1995 - Martin Perl

    1996 - Osheroff, Douglas D.

    1996 - Lee, David M

    1997 - Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude

    Peace Prize

    1911 - Alfred Fried

    1911 - Tobias Michael Carel Asser

    1968 - Rene Cassin

    1973 - Henry Kissinger

    1978 - Menachem Begin

    1986 - Elie Wiesel

    1994 - Shimon Peres

    1994 - Yitzhak Rabin

    All won nobel prizes so...

  15. NUMBER ONE - Jonas Salk

    Jonas Edward Salk (October 28, 1914 – June 23, 1995) was an American biologist and physician best known for the research and development of a killed-virus polio vaccine, the eponymous Salk vaccine.


    In natural sciences where Jews with their gifts of genius have far excelled over any other nationality. It is almost incredible to discover how many Jewish scientists there have been and what they have accomplished. The Jews in the diaspora were the smallest of peoples, yet contributed the largest "proportion" of scientists, mostly through Germany.51 For example, there are more German Jews of renown and fame in all areas of science (and medicine) than there are scientists from the rest of the world52 (this is prior to 1943). According to one account, in pre-n**i Germany the Jews were only .0075% of the population, yet comprised 25% of all scientists and mathematicians, 30 times what their normal representation would have been. In Italy, where pre-war Jewish population was .001, more than 50% of the distinguished mathematicians were Jews.53 Contemporarily, Israel also ranks very high in its number of scientists:

    In absolute numbers, Israel ranks 15th in the world, according to the Hebrew daily Yediot Ahronot. According to the newspaper article, Israel has forged ahead of scores of other countries including Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Finland and Norway, in scientific research.

    There are now more than 4,800 ranking scientists in Israel. Finland and Norway, with populations about equal to that of Israel, have less than one half that number. The People's Republic of China can point to only 2,800 top flight scientists acknowledged as such by the world scientific community. Brazil, Argentina, and Chile together have the same number of scientists as does Israel. In relative terms, based on the ratio of scientists to the population as a whole, Israel would have to be ranked number one in the world. It has 11.8 scientists for every 10,000 of population, compared with the United States where the ratio is 9.8 per 10,000; Canada, 8.9 and England ~

    It doesn't seem very likely that these proportions could have occurred by chance. Why, then, are there so many Jews of scientific distinction? Gen. 12:2 says "I will make your name great, And so you shall be a blessing."

    How have the Jews contributed to astronomy? Two individuals associated with Renaissance achievements were Abe Zacuto (1450-1514), who designed astronomical tables and astrolabes used by Vasco da Gama; and Levi ben Gerson, an astronomer and mathematician, who invented Jacob's staff and a sun quadrant also used by Da Gama and Magellan61 There are the Alphonsive Tables which were thought to be prepared by Judah ben Moses and Isaac ben Sid. These tables list the planetary movements and are said to form the basic document of modern scientific astronomy. Their significance is easily understood by the fact that the earth is not the center of the solar system.62 It is curious that this fact has not been widely taught.

    Closer to contemporary times Jewish astronomers have been rather prominent. William Herschell discovered the planet Uranus, the fixed position of 2500 nebulae, and identified 209 binary stars, besides determining the elements of Saturn and the relation of the Milky Way to the universe,63 Wilhelm Beer, proficient in business, but also an astronomer, observed Mars and made a map of the moon.64 But what about the lower atmosphere? Otto Lilienthal, the first Jewish pilot, built a flying machine which flew to a distance of 1,000 ft. at a height of 100 ft. Another Jew, A.M, Herring, made a copy of Otto's machine and made 100 flights Than an associate, Octave Chanut, brought this copy to a couple of brothers named Wright while they were experimenting with their own machine.65 And it was Al Welsh, an aviation instructor for the Wright brothers, who in 1911 reached the highest altitude of any American. 66 That is not all, for Emile Berliner invented the "first workable flying machine of the helicopter type."67 Why is there no mention of this in the history books?

    By far the most famous and far reaching discoveries and investigations by Jews have been in mathematics and physics. Michelson, the first American Nobel Prize winner, measured the speed of light and the diameters of two stars larger than the sun. His work was considered to be the beginning of Einstein's work.68 In 1887 he suggested that the sodium light wave-length be a standard unit, since it is so "constant."69 There is also Norbert Wiener, a mathematician who was called the father of cybernetics, the science that developed the computer. The Italian Jew Tulilo Levi-Civita was renowned for his theory of parallel displacement and his "work was fundamental to Einstein's theory of relativity." The French Jew, Jacques Hadamard, has been called "one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived." Another Italian Jew, Vito Volterro, initiated a "new branch of mathematics" called the theory of integral and differential equations and "stands among the great mathematicians of modern times."70 Jewish mathematicians also developed or contributed to the geometry of numbers, differential calculus, algebraic geometry, set theory, and matrix algebra.71 Charles Steinmetz, a homely 4 ft. 11 in. hunched-back man, was a genius almost solely responsible for bringing electricity into the home. Steinmetz worked for G.E. and, without the use of computers, made the necessary calculations for the "utilization of electricity.'72 Siegfried Marcus made the first electrical instrument for regulating temperature and invented a way of measuring earth movements.73 He also worked on forerunners of the loudspeaker and the electric lamp.74 Eugene Goldstein participated in the discovery of gamma rays. If the reader looks at his stereo set he'll see the name of Heinrich Hertz considered "among the ten physicists of most influence during the past 100 years."75 He measured the length and velocity of electromagnetic waves and demonstrated the "electromagnetic nature of light."76 Robert Von Lieben worked on an early grid tube which led to the radio and Isador Kitsie, both of Vienna, obtained a patent used by Marconi in the "development of the wireless."77 According to one authority even some of Newton's science goes back to Jewish influence, namely his famous "sensorium Del" by which he defined space.

    There is one additional field, namely the area of physics called nuclear energy. where the Jews have virtually dominated and brought themselves the most notoriety. Naturally, the first thought to come to mind is the atom, and it is a fact that Jews are mainly responsible for the development of nuclear weapons. God may have allowed the secret of nuclear energy to be revealed to the world by the Jews.75 Even before nuclear bombs the Jews developed weaponry for Western democracies during WWI. Chaim Weizman created acetone, a flammable liquid necessary for the production of cordite, the smokeless powder crucial to the British war machine. Incidentally, the British passed. as a reward, the Balfour Declaration in 1917 in order to provide a homeland for the Jews. So thanks to Weizman, and at his request, the state of Israel became a reality. Weizman also helped the U.S. to make synthetic rubber in 1942, thus having an important effect on WWII.80

    The Jews established the theory of the atom, split the atom, and made the atom bomb, the H Bomb and the neutron bomb. Albert Einstein generated it all when he created the now universally known equation E = MC2, indicative of the power in a nuclear explosion and its incredible energy. He was also involved in the invention of television. A Jewish woman, Lise Meitner, an expert in atomic theory, was involved in the "Newton-induced fission of the uranium nucleus."81 Enrico Fermi, an Italian Jew,82 is given credit for the first successful nuclear fission, in other words, splitting the atom. With the advent of WWII came the Manhattan Project led by J. Robert Oppenheimer, one of several Jews involved in the project. He also advanced quantum theory and helped originate work in cosmic rays and relativity.83 Another Jewish pioneer of the atom is Niels Bohr (Danish) who also worked on the bomb.84 Of course, the bomb shortened the war and helped save many lives. So, rather than Hitler, the nemesis of the Jews getting the A-bomb, God allowed the West to obtain it first. Another participant in the Manhattan Project was Edward Teller, a Hungarian Jew. Teller is responsible for a more awesome nuclear weapon, namely the H-bomb. God preserved him for this purpose since he was forced to flee the n***s and come to America,25 as did Fermi, Meitner, and Einstein Finally, there is Sam Cohen, a little known American Jew who also worked on the Manhattan Project. But, unknown to his own neighbors, modest Sam was responsible for the creation of the neutron bomb.86 Obviously there is almost a complete monopoly by the Jews on the nuclear market.

  16. I believe Einstein.

    Edit: I have seen at least 10 other people posting here and when I come back their answers are gone.

    I don't think you are a fair person buddy.

    There was that little girl here before that posted "Karl Marx" and some other Jew's name and you removed her answer.

    That ain't pretty you know.

  17. Mordecai Vanunu.

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