
What Job would you say pays more in IT?

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For example..IT Consultant, Software Programmer, IT Manager, System Analyst..etc




  1. I work in a big IT company and apart from the big boss the IT Manager makes the most... though he has to work alot of after hours as clients are fussy and have no issues with annoying people at any hour of the day or night

  2. the boss will always take the biggest piece of the pie.

  3. If you are in IT with your own business, that will pay the most.  However, IT manager will be up there as well. Software programmers make ok money, but like any job, as you move up in the company, you earn more.  Do what you like to do, and money will find you.

    My Best,

    Michael Grant

    find a career – find an employee

  4. As a consultant i charge $95 per hour.  

    of course there are no benefits - insurance, etc...

  5. Programmer would make the most

  6. Like ALL jobs it is NOT the job that pays you it is YOUR knowledge that pays you.  Realize YOU are your own best earner.  Nobody can do the job you can do.  Never expect anything out of any thing except what YOU can do for yourself.  You will always be happier.  

  7. If you can handle the higher costs for health insurance and the possibility of periods of unemployment, consulting is the way to go.

    I would suggest having a very wide range of expertise if that is the avenue you choose.  

  8. try to get a security clearance. govnt contractor programmers make very good $$$$$

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