
What Jobs Can I Get At 13?

by Guest33209  |  earlier

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I want to buy the Black iPhone 3G 16GB, and the bills are huge, so i need job ideas other then mowing peoples lawns and selling lemonade




  1. The first place I would try is going to local pizza shops and seeing if they need door hanger positions. It's an easy job, they give you a huge stack of fliers and you go around putting it under people's doors, and they'll pay you in cash. I did that when I was your age.

  2. paper boyy!

  3. Depends where you live. If you live in a city with a good population, then chances are that these days you won't be able to find any job. You could get a job with your parents, at your age I don't know anything else besides getting an internship for work experience then finding a job.... but that would take a while.

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