
What Justin Bieber will do after retirement

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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What Justin Bieber will do after retirement?

These are, in descending order of fate, the seven plagues of pop Justin Bieber will be saved if he (really) is retiring from the music:

7. Making an album of duets. Or worse, make a holiday album. No album of duets ever born from the need to express an irrepressible artistic longing. And while it's true that Christmas albums serve a lubricating function on long family reunions, both initiatives are desperate attempts by the marketing department turn to parasitize the prestige lost fame, in the first case, or to address this vast niche engagement gifts are in the second. In the worst case scenario, duets discs can begin a pernicious web of favors, something like the potlatch ceremonies of Native Americans, and catch the artist in a spiral featuring in foreign projects that never ends, as happened to Tony Bennett, Bono, Elton John or even Frank Sinatra in their later days.

6. He can turn his life into a reality. Or worse, do a cooking show. It is easy to think that your life is interested 24 hours a day when you've sold over 15 million albums before turning 19 and your fans are copyrighted and better and more viciously than the Israeli army. But let the cameras come into your house and guionicen daily mark your order as a musician (or singer, or artist, whatever that is Justin ), mummify your fame in the tabloid side forever. Today, when you say Ozzy Osbourne, the majority of the public thinks about a guy who shakes his torean spoiled and overfed children, not Paranoid. When you say Alaska, only to remind treintaylargos The Pegamoides, others see the mother of Mario Vaquero.

Similar to Snoop Doggy Dog, who have been the godfather of g -funk and attend the program Martha Stewart kitchen to cook mashed potatoes and brownies.

5. Getting addicted to cosmetic surgery. Or worse : suffering Syndrome Lady Mayor. No way to grow old with dignity, embrace and honor the flab own gray hair if you are under the permanent focus of public opinion. When money is plentiful, one runs the risk of getting into the hands of the surgeon for some slight alterations and end up getting hooked to the scalpel forever. For some reason, it's a particularly cruel addiction in men - think of Mickey Rourke, but only for a moment, which can lead to the syndrome of the Old Lady, also known as Syndrome Pertegaz, wherein the flight of testosterone and attachment to the look of youth makes men age pensioner, as Steven Tyler or Paul McCartney, seem their own older sisters.

4. The loss Corey Feldman. Or worse : Phil Spector delirium. Or when the prerogatives of spices that gives you the stardom you no longer seem sufficient. Casual s*x is part of the routine pop star, so sometimes finding new emotions can get the dark side of celebrity. Spector, one of the most famous producers in pop history, used his influence over young aspiring artist to get laid with a few and subjected to harassment that included threatening display of firearms. In 2003, the perverse game killed actress Lana Clarkson and put him behind bars.

Corey Feldman's case is less dramatic, fortunately : the protagonist of The Goonies fails to shed their image of funny boy and his love-hate relationship with Michael Jackson and impose their adult, so I decided to become a low version cost of Hugh Hefner with his own court of bunnies called Corey's Angles, and their decadent parties in Feldmansion.

3. Finishing on a book by Chuck Klosterman. Or worse: Greil Marcus writes about you. In Pégate a shot to survive, Klosterman journalist travels the United States visiting the places where the great legends of pop and rock passed, that it be legends, tragically : where Buddy Holly 's plane crashed, the crossroads where Duane Allman lost control of his bike or meander of the Mississippi river where Jeff Buckley drowned.

Greil Marcus, however, puts more of his circumspect academic study of popular culture sense, so be the subject of one of his essays, as were the s*x Pistols, Bob Dylan or Elvis Presley, is to define a time, which today can only be worse.

2. Join the Church of Scientology. Or worse : forming his own sect. s*x is a form of transcendence, and vice versa, so it is not uncommon for those who have reached the top of the socioeconomic food chain than seeking a stay in this valley of tears meaning. But as Tom Cruise or John Travolta could corroborate, be Scientologist entails hard work of underground proselytizing, and put the end of the day your art in the service of the cause.

Bieber, it can be argued, has its de facto church, and his designs provoke ecstasy and mortification mass, so this threat is almost a reality.

1. Mature as an artist. Or worse, find himself. It is the great fallacy of modernity, a rhetorical discourse residue pseudophilosophy new age, appellant not only among artists that all that usually means is that the source is drying and besets the need to expand new business horizons. Accented by the need for perpetual motion imposed capitalism is about creating buzz to increase sales. Need for a PR stunt gets the creative department to play on emotions “Justin Bieber leaving the signing business forever” And then a short time later comes back due to popular demand.

 Tags: Bieber, Justin, Retirement


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