
What Kind Of Decks Are Popular In YuGiOh now?

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I haven't played for awhile, and I was just wondering what kind of Decks are popular in YuGiOh now-a-days?




  1. heros but don't go for thoes just make a deck out'a cards ya like!

  2. probably light decks and dark deck due to the release of light of destruction(a booster pack) and theres a new deck called dark emperor so these days if anyone buys a yu gi oh deck or pack he or she will probably have a light or dark if not hes a old player or so

  3. Well, with your question its hard to be specific but here goes:

    Top deck atm is Dark Armed Dragon Return (one went on ebay $1500 american dollars)

    Lightsworn (3 major cards are about 200ea)

    Zombie (my current) There are a few high priced cards, Il Blud and Goblin zombie (japan got a new structure deck release about 7 days ago with the greatest zombies available)  Link to the "WARNING" aleart this guy was going on about-

    Burn (really cheap to make and one of the most effective)

    Monarch (alot of creature destruction)

    Six Samurai (I don't know to much)

    Here's alot of different deck types you can look at.  This website is amazing for decks, card rulings (rules of each card), and such.

    Just a taste of my zombie deck (needing an Il blud and maby 1 goblin zombie)  

    Deck Name:


    Count: 40

    Monsters: 19


    Cyber Dragon

    Cyber Dragon

    Ryu Kokki

    Ryu Kokki

    Vampire Lord

    Vampire Lord


    Giant Rat

    Giant Rat

    Morphing Jar

    Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

    Pyramid Turtle

    Pyramid Turtle

    Pyramid Turtle


    Snipe Hunter

    Spirit Reaper

    Zombie Master

    Zombie Master

    Zombie Master

    Spells: 16

    Book of Life

    Book of Life

    Book of Life

    Card of Safe Return

    Creature Swap

    Creature Swap

    Heavy Storm

    Lightning Vortex

    Lightning Vortex

    Monster Reborn

    Mystical Space Typhoon

    Premature Burial


    Shield Crush

    Shield Crush

    Swords of Revealing Light

    Traps: 5

    Mirror Force

    Sakuretsu Armor

    Sakuretsu Armor

    Sakuretsu Armor

    Torrential Tribute

    This deck is a swarm deck, usually have 2+ 2000+ in the first 2 turns.

  4. Are you talking about starters or just decks in general?

    A chaos deck is a very popular one, i see many people with them at the tournament, and there pretty easy to make.  This is for traditional format though.

    ~~Happy Dueling

  5. Jaden Yuki and Syrus Truesdale  starter deck!!! =D

  6. Dark Armed Dragon Decks and Gladiator Beast Decks are tier 1 right now. Lightsworn, Gadgets, and Monarch Decks are tier 1.5.

  7. dark decks mostly dark armed dragon decks

    gladiator beast which won u.s.a nationals

    light sworn who won UK nationals

  8. darkness decks and arcana force or lightsworn decks due to the most recent booster packs

  9. the dark emperor

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